Chapter 22: Dispatch Not Being A Needy Hoe

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Yeonjun's POV



(A/N: Tell me why I wanted to put "oh shut the fuc-" okie no. We don't have those vibes here)

I groaned softly and then reached over to turn the alarm off, wanting to curse at it since it only gave me like what? 3 and a half hours of sleep? I stayed up all night cleaning the dorm and making sure to help Beomgyu with his song writing. Not exactly the easiest. I sighed softly and then snuggled into Huening Kai who was laying besides me, sleeping peacefully. He shifted a bit when I hugged him but allowed me to spoon him while he went back to sleep. I stayed like that before I felt myself start to get tired again. I hummed softly as I fell back asleep.

Like maybe 8 minutes later?


"aRgH! Not again!". I yelled, waking up in a dreadful mood. I didn't have the energy to turn off the alarm so I let it beep and eventually, everyone else was now awake. "That thing is so annoying Hyung......turn it off". Beomgyu said, looking pretty dead if you ask me. I groaned softly and contemplated about his small demanded. "I guess...". I mumbled before reaching over to push the button once again. I watched tiredly as the other members began to get out of bed to wash up. First Taehyun, then Beomgyu, then Soobin. I looked over to my side and gazed over Huening Kai. He was probably just as tired as I was since he tried to stay up with me. It was cute really but my babie needed sleep. I sighed before shaking Huening Kai softly. He whined in his sleep when I did but I only continued to shake and tap him. "Come on baby. We have to get up. Busy day at work today". I said in a raspy and calm voice. Huening Kai took a deep breath and then turned to face me. He had a hard time opening his eyes but he eventually sat upright to lean onto me, indicating he was exhausted. "I told you to sleep baby. You have to listen to your boyfriend sometimes at least right?". Huening Kai nodded before pulling himself out of bed, letting me follow after. After he washed up and brushed his teeth, the whole routine, I did the same and walked into the kitchen where the other members were. Beomgyu was currently just resting his head onto Taehyun's lap while he played with his hair and Sookai were cuddling. I smiled softly and then grabbed myself a drink of water before walking in front of them all. "Alright kiddos. We have a photoshoot today so you can dress however you want. If you want to eat something, go ahead. Just be ready in an hour". I said, nodding before walking into the closet room.

I looked through my clothes for like 5 minutes before choosing a simple outfit. Dark blue tight jeans, a white v neck, and some white tennis shoes that made me taller hehe. (Idk what those are called man. But he's worn them before) I quickly changed and then walked out of the room, letting Taegyu go get changed since I'm pretty sure SooKai would stay in their PJs. Huening Kai's was especially more favorable tho.(shhhh hehe) He had an oversized black t shirt that went halfway down his thighs with gray comfy shorts that barely reached his knee. The shirt exposed more of his collarbone then it should have and the shorts hugged his bottom pretty well. I don't think he noticed how cute and fine it was at the same time. I eventually found myself staring way too much and I could see Huening Kai get distracted from my gaze while he was talking to Soobin. He looked at me, blushing after a few seconds. Soobin seemed to notice when he looked at me and Kai with a smirk. He winked and then walked away. I lifted my eyebrows before mouthing a come here. Huening Kai of course complied and he walked over to me, a little excited. I grabbed him gently by his waist to pull him close and connect our lips. He immediately kissed back and wrapped his arms around my neck, deepening the kiss. I then pulled away, chuckling softly as he whined to the sudden action. "You're dressed so well for Hyung. Did you know that?". I whispered. I saw as a deep shade of red plastered all over Huening Kai's face. He shook his head softly, avoiding my gaze. I leaned in closer and left small wet kisses on his neck before speaking again. "I find you really pretty in this outfit and it's just your PJs. Why is that?". "I-I don't k-know.......maybe cause Hyung is...sweet and.... obviously very gay". Huening Kai answered before giggling softly. I hummed quietly and then brought him into one last short kiss. "Dress pretty for Hyung like this more okay?". I asked. "Okay Hyung". "You're such a good baby for me". I then said, cupping Huening Kai's face gently and giving him eskimo kisses. He giggled again before snuggling into me. "Now, let's go eat and then go to work okay?". "Okay Jagiya".

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