Chapter 9: Its Really Me

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Yeonjun Pov

"Hold up! Are you going for real?". I asked. Camren nodded. "You've gotten better Yeonjun! You've completed everything!". She exclaimed. "B-but I still have like a week left". I reminded. She and the staff laughed. "Yeonjun, the point is for you to get better, time doesn't matter". One of them said. "Yeah, we actually are gonna call one of your family members to pick you up! You're free now!". "Wow….". I mumbled. I covered my mouth still surprised. "Thank you…..thank you so much!". I exclaimed. "Oh we're gonna miss you Yeonjun! You still have the morning here but you've really gotten better and made us proud". One of my doctors said. I smiled and blushed a bit. "Omg I have to go tell Jaehyun! Bye Camren! Bye guys!". I said running out the door to Jaehyun's room. I knocked aggressively and then he opened the door surprised. I hugged him tight. 

"I have such good news Jaehyun!". I explained. He hugged me back and then laughed. "What is it Yeonjun?". I sat us both down and then smiled widely. "I'm being released tomorrow morning!". I announced. Jaehyun smiled. "That's great Yeonjun! I'm so happy for you!". He exclaimed before embracing me. I gushed but then my smile fell as I looked at Jaehyun and realized……. "Wait……..I'll have to leave you then....". I murmured. "No! Don't let me bring your mood down! It's great you're leaving! You get to see your family". Jaehyun exclaimed in a calm voice. "But…...I don't want to leave you…..what if I never see you again?". I wore a sad expression as I thought about everything. "You will, I promise. Right now, you need to be happy to see your family. I know you've missed them a lot. So pack your stuff and get some rest okay?". Jaehyun said with a sweet smile. I could hear he was a bit sad but genuinely happy for me. I nodded and then smiled at him. "I will. Make sure to be there to say goodbye to me okay?". I said. Jaehyun nodded. "Of course". 

Time Skippppp

I sighed as I looked at my empty room. It was morning and I was leaving all this behind. I was ready to go see my family but I was nervous too. What if I or they changed? What if we weren't like before? What if I came home to a disaster?  I shook the questions out of my head and went downstairs to where everyone was waiting. People passing by greeted me saying they would miss me. I smiled and waved to most of them. I reached the front lobby where Camren and Jaehyun were waiting. They both smiled at me and I returned it sweetly. "We called someone". Camren said teasingly. I could see 2 figures walking towards me. I gasped to see who it was. Eomma Jin! Namjoon Appa! I ran to them both and hugged them tightly.

Third Person POV

 "Oh! Yeonjun! My baby!". Jin exclaimed. The three hugged each other tightly as if it was a dramatic family reunion. "I missed you so much Eomma Jin!". Yeonjun exclaimed as he buried himself in Jin's arms. They let go and Yeonjun immediately hugged Namjoon. "Appa Namjoon! I missed you too!". "I missed you too Yeonjun". 

Namjoon responded before kissing the younger on his forehead. They let go and stared at each other, taking in every detail from not seeing each other in so long. "You know, some other people are waiting. Wanna go now?". Jin asked with a wide smile. Yeonjun nodded and then turned around to face Jaehyun. He pulled him into a tight hug. "I promise I'll call you whenever I can okay? I'll even try to visit and when you're released, I promise to be there okay?". "Yes yes Yeonjun. Don't worry. We'll see each other again". Jaehyun replied before pulling back. "Now go see your family…... I'll be fine". Yeonjun nodded. He grabbed Jin's hand and then they walked out of the building to the car. "Bye Yeonjun…..". Jaehyun murmured. 

Jin drove Yeonjun to the dorm where Beomgyu and Taehyun were. "Are you sure you don't need us to walk you in?". Jin asked. Yeonjun nodded. "I just wanna surprise them. Don't worry though. I'm fine Eomma Jin". Yeonjun climbed out of the car and then waved to the couple. "Bye! Thanks! Love you!". Yeonjun exclaimed as he walked to the front door of the dorm. He hesitated to unlock it but then smiled in excitement. He opened the door quietly and looked around to see no one there. But then he heard yelling. "You always yell at me when the other members aren't around! I'M TIRED OF IT!". "IM SORRY OKAY!? I DON'T MEAN TO!". "What's the point of us even dating anymore Beomgyu!?". "I love you just as much as before Taehyun! I've just been having a rough time with Yeonjun Hyung!". "What about me!? You think I'm not!?". Yeonjun watched as Taehyun and Beomgyu walked into the living room, with tears in their eyes. "I don't wanna fight anymore!". Taehyun yelled before throwing his head into his hands. "Please just stop yelling Hyung!". Taehyun begged. "Hey!". Yeonjun interrupted. They both turned their heads in surprise. "You guys don't need to be fighting about me okay?". Yeonjun said in a soft voice. 

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