Chapter 30: What's Wrong?

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Huening Kai's POV

A week. It had been an entire week since my break up with Yeonjun for Lu Zi. It was honestly very exhausting and stressful. The entire week I've had to deal with Lu Zi, Yeonjun and his arguments, everyone's constant questions, and all the comeback promotions. I can not count how many times I've yelled at Yeonjun and then ignored him. It was probably the same amount of times Lu Zi had hit me and then forced me to kiss him in front of everyone. He didn't even do it casually. It was like a whole step up from how much Yeonjun and I used to make out. And yes, I'm admitting that finally. It's not like I have any more chances to deny it when we're not together anymore. God. It feels so horrible to say that still. No matter how many times I repeat that to myself, it still gives me the same feeling. A feeling that I hated so much.
I sighed loudly, not getting up from Lu Zi's bed. He had left to go hang out with his friends like half an hour ago but I just stayed in bed. It's not like I had anything to do. Usually I'd go on dates with Yeonjun but that wasn't really an option. I sighed again, thinking about what I should do. Maybe go eat somewhere? The park? Cafe? Go practice or something? I could go to the dorm later and get some stuff too. I do need it. But I'll go later actually. Okay but let me focus on now. I guess I could go get something to snack on. Yeah.....that sounds.......fine? I nodded and then jumped up from bed, walking to the closest. I would have to wear Lu Zi's clothes like always so I just chose some jeans, a gray sweatshirt and my white tennis shoes. I walked downstairs and grabbed my keys and wallet before heading out the door. I decided to walk to the cafe that I usually hung out at. I didn't want to take the bus. Walking gave me more time to think and relax. Unless I get hit by a car or some idk. (Bro mood)

After maybe 20 minutes of walking, I finally arrived at the cafe. I pulled out my wallet, already knowing what to order. Once I picked it up from the cashier, I sat down at a table in the back and just ate my ice cream while scrolling through Twitter and Weverse. A lot of fans were talking about the recent tweet Beomgyu made about me and Yeonjun. They seemed to be worried and hopeful about our relationship. Honestly, I was too. But it wouldn't really make sense, I was the one who freaking broke Yeonjun's heart. I sighed softly, just feasting on the mint chocolate in front of me. I put my phone down in a bored manner and just stopped eating. I leaned back into my chair and started to think about Yeonjun. I'd admit that I was worried about him. He wasn't taking care of himself and I didn't know how to fix it. I wasn't allowed to say anything to the members. Everytime I saw how sad and tired he was, I wanted to run up to him and hug him so tightly while I yelled I love you and sorry over and over again. But I couldn't. Suddenly, a voice called my name. "Huening Kai?". I looked up, confused to see Soobin with a bag of his order in his hand. "Hyung? What are you doing here?". I immediately asked. "I was getting some sweets for Yeonjun Hyung". He then sat down in front of me, a concerned expression on his face. "What about you?". I sighed softly and then just fiddled with my spoon. "You know.......just chilling I guess.....". I murmured to Soobin. "Where's Lu Zi?". Soobin then asked. I shrugged. "Out with his friends". I answered. "Oh.....". Soobin nodded and it fell silent. I could feel his eyes on me but I didn't dare to look up. But a thought did come to my mind.

"Hey Soobin Hyung?". "Yes?". Soobin answered. "Um.....I'm not supposed to be talking to you but since we already are.......can I ask you something?". I said in soft voice, still looking down. "Yeah....what is it?". Soobin asked. I took a deep breath and then looked up. "Is Hyung getting better? Yeonjun I mean". Soobin seemed to be surprised by my question. He took a few seconds to answer before sighing softly. "He's..... getting better than before....... Beomgyu has been taking care of him alot...". He explained before giving me a reassuring smile. I smiled back and then looked back down at my ice cream, which was melted now. Then Soobin was about to say something but I quickly cut him off. "I have to go. I'm sorry". I dashed out of the cafe and ran as fast I could past people, pushing if I needed to. I stopped at a empty park when I realized Soobin hadn't been able to catch up to me. Tears were streaming down my face at this point and I just threw myself onto a bench. Crying into my hands. I want you Yeonjun. So bad. I just want you to be here. I thought. I would suddenly feel a hand caress my head. I would then gasp and look up to see Yeonjun with a smile. "What's wrong baby?" He would ask. I would just continue to cry and then hug him tightly. Saying that I missed him so much and I'm sorry for hurting him. Yeonjun would would shush me softly and then hug me back, telling me "everything is alright", "you're okay. I'm here now". Here for me. But he wasn't here to do that. Because I was alone. I cried even harder, pulling at my hair and hugging myself tightly.

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