Chapter 26: New Choreographer

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Side note: this chapter is very bunched up since I didn't have much of an idea of the storyline since it's just a small introduction to what's coming. So it might come off a little boring but I promise it's purpose is good.

Third Person POV


Yeonjun was woken up by the sound of his alarm and even though he put it himself, he was god damned annoyed by it. It was really early for their schedule. About 5 am in the morning. They had to attend a long meeting about their upcoming comeback promotions. But Yeonjun not having his boyfriend cuddling with him and telling him to get up, he snoozed his alarm and decided to sleep for 5 more minutes. Except it wasn't, because he slept for another 20 minutes actually.


Yeonjun whined loudly, reaching for his phone. He put the screen to his face and immediately sat upright to see the time. He cursed under his breathe and then proceeded to get up, despite his body telling him to just... dissolve in his sheets. Yeonjun walked out his room and headed towards the bathroom, that also had Beomgyu rinsing his face. He greeted him with a small good morning and smiled before getting his toothbrush out. "Ready for the meeting?". Beomgyu asked, sounding pretty awake and cheerful. Yeonjun shook his head. "I'm too tired right now since it's so early but I don't wanna stay in a seat for hours". He said, putting toothpaste on his toothbrush. "I think the meetings are kinda cool actually. It prepares and teaches us for our schedules". The older nodded in agreement, shrugging as he just brushed his teeth casually. Beomgyu smile and patted his Hyung's back before leaving to the kitchen. Yeonjun brushed his teeth for a straight minute and then rinsed himself off, also brushing his hair back while he was at it. He walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and awake. "Morning Hyung". Soobin greeted, walking past Yeonjun. "Morning binne". The yellow haired model groaned softly as he walked to the closet to get an outfit. He chose a 'simple' one. Tight jeans, black dress up shoes, and a black crop top t shirt that only his exposed his abs when he lifted his arms up. He decided to not eat breakfast and just go wake up the rest of the maknaes since it was getting late.


Yeonjun knocked on the door softly but loud enough for the boys to hear. "Guys. Wake up. It's Yeonjun Hyung". He said.


"Guys?........Taehyunnie! Ningning!". He said again, questioning the silence.
Yeonjun slowly opened the door to Tyunning's room and poked his head inside. He smiled softly when he saw the two boys cuddling, fast asleep. He let himself inside the room and then sat beside the boys. "Wake up guys. We have to leave soon". Yeonjun said, shaking the boys. Huening Kai groaned loudly, not getting up but turning around to snuggle into Taehyun's chest. "Come on my babies. We don't want to be late for the meeting". Yeonjun said, shaking them again. "Just 5 more minutes Hyung....". Taehyun mumbled, wrapping his arms around Huening Kai's waist. "As much as I want to, I can't. We have like less than half an hour. So come on. Your butts gotta get up". Yeonjun responded, sighing softly before leaving. Doing as they were told, Tyunning quickly got changed into clothes, washed up, and ate a quick breakfast. Everyone put their shoes on and then walked to Yeonjuns car, dreading the fact that they had a meeting early in the morning. They were mostly silent in the car, as well when they were entering the meeting to where a bunch of staff and Bang Pd were waiting. "Alright. So let's start today's meeting. We have a lot to cover".

The meeting went on for long time, talking about the new puma mv, performances, korean show promotions with activities and interviews. Every now and then, the members would ask questions or the staff would share their opinion. It came to the last topic that Bang Pd was not looking forward to say to the five boys.

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