Chapter 11: Dreaming & Comforting

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Huening Kai's POV

I was running. I don't even know from what but my body told me to. I was tired and out of breath. I breathed heavily. I finally stopped to catch my breath. I looked around. There was nothing no longer behind me or near me but I was in a park. A big one. There was no one but only the sound of the trees and water. I walked around looking everywhere. I looked at the water and then I saw someone. A guy standing at the wall. It looked like..."Yeonjun Hyung!". I called out. He looked behind him and smiled at me. He then climbed on the wall and then stood on it stretching his arms out. "Hyung! That's dangerous!". I yelled. I ran to him but then he jumped off. "YEONJUN HYUNG!" I jumped in after him. I looked around in the water not seeing him. I swam desperately looking for him. I reached up for air. "Hyung!". "Yeonjun Hyung!". "Yeonjun!".

"Its okay baby. I'm right here". A voice behind me said. I turned around to see Yeonjun. I jumped onto him causing a big splash. "Careful, you might drown us both". He warned. I let go and looked into his eyes lustfully. "I'm glad you're okay". I whispered. "Hey, I'm always gonna be here. Even when you're having a nightmare………. I'll hug you and whisper comforting words when you need it". I smiled and chuckled to realize it was just a dream. But it was different than the other ones. It didn't end the same….

My eyes opened to reveal nothing bad in front of me. I blinked a couple of times and realized I was laying on someone's lap. I turned to the side to see Yeonjun Hyung on his phone. He realized I was awake and then smiled. "Hey baby…. you're awake now". He said, caressing my head. The affection made me smile. I groaned softly as I got up from my position to sit down and drink some water. "Were you having a bad dream?". Yeonjun then asked softly. I nodded in response. "What was it about?". I placed my cup down and faced him with my head down. "I've just….had these dreams". I then whispered. "What kind?". I hesitated to answer and took a deep breath first. "When we were at your appa's house……...I had this dream……. you heard me screaming about it…..I dreamt that you…….you jumped… of a bridge. A-and I couldn't s-stop you or s-save you! I couldn't f-find you no matter h-how loud I-I s-screamed!". I felt my body shake and I burst into tears thinking about the dream. "Hey hey, come here baby". Yeonjun brought me into a hug and rubbed my back in circular motion as comfort. It sorta helped but not as much. 

I thought I would finally be happy when he came back…...but no. I still feel just as tired as before. I feel so… lonely and cold…. "Hyuka?". I snapped out of my thoughts and sniffled. "Y-yes". "Can you tell me what happened next?". Yeonjun asked, trying to be helpful. I nodded and wiped some tears away. "That dream has sometimes just randomly popped up in my mind at nights and always ended with the same sad ending…….. but… was different this time……….I ended up finding you behind me and you said such sweet words that I knew it was a dream". I explained softly. Yeonjun hummed and nodded, understanding. "Is it possibly because I comforted you while you were asleep?". He asked, making my head perk up and my face soften. "You comforted me?". I questioned. Yeonjun nodded and then brushed my long hair out of my face. "You were frowning and whimpering in your sleep… I hugged you close to me and then kissed you on your forehead……..whispering in your ear that it was okay, that I was here, and I always would be here when something bad was happening". 

Why did he care so much? Wasn't I too clingy? Emotional for no reason? It was like he was no longer the person who could put me at ease with just their touch. He was just a replacement? Not the same? Was I not the same? "What are you thinking baby? You have tears in your eyes". Yeonjun suddenly said, wiping a tear from my cheek. "I-I'm sorry h-hyung……...I just… out now….a lot". Yeonjun pulled my head to his neck, letting me take in his scent and warmth. "Don't be sorry for feeling something". He whispered as he caressed my hand. I looked down to see I still had the promise ring on. Everytime I looked at it…… didn't have the same feeling. It made me cry to think about what he said. What he gone through during that time. It made me feel like I was no longer that person he wanted to eventually marry. I covered my mouth, ready to just bawl my eyes out. "Huening Kai? What's wrong? You're worrying me so much". I knew Yeonjun was trying to speak to me but I tuned him out and just hugged him tighter, buried my head into his neck, cried on his shoulder uncontrollably, and murmured a sorry over and over again. 

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