Three: Call-back

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It's been 25 hours and 30 minutes, since I auditioned. I have been checking my phone constantly, but no notification whatsoever has popped up, until now.

I was pacing around the room when I heard my phone buzzing. Ava looked at me. It was an unknown number.

"Pick it up!" Ava said excitedly.

Me: Hello?

Shawn: Is this Caitlyn Miller? It's Shawn Levy

Me: Hi Shawn. Yes, it is me.

Shawn: I have great news. You have a call-back for the role!

Me: OMG thank you so much!

Shawn: We would like you to come in and meet the other girl up for the role, today at 12. Is that ok?

Me: Of course! See you at 12!

I hung up the phone.

"I HAVE A CALL-BACK!" I yelled.

"A what?" Ava asked.

"A call-back. When someone gets a call-back, it means that they did good enough to be considered for the role. There is me and 1 other girl up for the role." I said.

"And?" Ava asked.

"Over 1000 girls auditioned and 2 got call-backs!" I said.
After 20 minutes, I headed back to the venue. I saw the other girl. I walked inside and waited.

"So. You must be Caitlyn Miller." The girl next to me said with an attitude

"Yep." I said trying to avoid eye contact.

"Well, you may as well give up and go home. I'm more talented out of us both. If anyone is getting that role, it's me." The girl said.

"And by the way, I'm Brittany King." The girl said with a smirk.

Just as I was about to say something else, Shawn walked toward us.

"Follow me girls." He said opening the double doors. We both walked in.

"Hey girls. Welcome back. As you know only one of you can get the role." Ross said.

"We have a strange request. To see who is better for the role, we will need you to sing the Never-ending story." Matt said.

"Here's what parts you will be singing." Matt said as he played the parts of the song.

"Brittany, you can go first." Ross said as Shawn led me out of the room. He placed some headphones on me so I couldn't hear.

After 5 minutes, Brittany came out and I walked in.

"When your ready." Ross said. I took a deep breathe in and sang.

"Make believe I'm everywhere. Given in the light. Written on the pages is...the answer to a never ending story. Ah." I stopped at the mark. I then took another deep breath and sang.

"Never ending story. Ah. Story. Ah" I stopped again at the mark.

"Well done. We will call you." Shawn said. I walked out and headed home. I spent the rest of the day hanging out with Ava.

2 Boys vs 1 Girl// F.W + N.SWhere stories live. Discover now