Ze Good Doctah is Out

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Hey guys, in this chapter, Henrik's kids and wife will be in here along with Chase and his kids. Since their names were not confirmed, I will make them up until their actual names are confirmed. Enjoy!

The smoke detector beeped through the room, alarming the doctor up from his short slumber. Shooting up from his bed, Henrik was met with the lethargic magician, aiming his wand at the detector as green sparks flew upwards, shutting the alarm and leaving a burn mark in the corner. The smell of coffee and smoke emanated through the air, flooding the whole house.

"Can you just turn it off like a normal person?"

Opening his eyes wide in alert, Marvin noticed his creation above then scanned the doctor's bedroom. "Oh, sorry... I'll clean this up." He promised, pointing his wand towards the floor. Henrik's eyes followed at the familiar mess of coffee grounds and scattered papers on the floor.

Robbie has been in here again. Hopefully Marvin was able to calm him down after last night's incident. After the zombie was tranquilized, Wilford got him back home and tucked him into Marvin's bed and the magician didn't even notice a thing when he got home with bags of groceries and supplies.

"I zhought Robbie ate all zhe coffee grounds yesterday and you vent out and bought zome more."

"I did. Whose to say he came back for more. Watch out, we might have another competitor in the house. " He joked before encasing the dirty coffee grounds in a green glow before a flash went off and the room was spotless, including the documents that were scatted all over. Realizing what he had done, Marvin added, "I'll go fish it out." before turning on his heels and sluggishly walked out the door.

Groggily getting off his bed, Henrik headed out to the kitchen, following a trail of dripped coffee spills, having a weird sense of deja vu. If Robbie was the one to eat the coffee grounds, wouldn't it affect him and how? Would he be ferocious like how he did back in the ER? Maybe that's what happened and the effect was delayed. He halted at the entrance of the kitchen and found Robbie sitting in the middle of the floor with glass once again littered from the coffee mug. Traces of coffee trailed from the unbroken coffee maker and the shrieking kettle.

In a midst of hysteria, Henrik sprinted through the kitchen, almost accidentally stepping on bits of broken glass and slipping, the doctor frantically turned off the coffee maker and the stove. The stinging on the soles of his feet sets in as his knees buckled. Holding onto the counter, Henrik turn to the zombie, who's about to touch the shards. "Robbie, don't!" He warned, but the zombie just swiped away the glass with his arm.

Slipping down to a sitting position, Henrik watches in awe as the zombie wiped the shards, making a clear path towards the doctor, proving that his brain had developed a lot in the past week.

"Robbie... sorry." The zombie said, handing the mug full of the caffeinated drink to the doctor.

"It'z okay, Robbie." He took the mug and put it to his lips, tasting the sweetener of the light brown, hot liquid, feeling bits of lumps of coffee grounds. The doctor tried his best not to contort his face at the taste he had been offered to, but at least the zombie tried. "Zhank you." He put the mug aside next to him on the floor.

The zombie smiled as he sat down next to the doctor.

Playing back the events that had transpired, the entire day had been a blur to the doctor. Only remembering parts, from dropping Robbie off, to operating on the patient, to meeting an unfamiliar face who claimed to know him. While patching up the zombie bite wound on Dr. Iplier's shoulder, the two decided to catch up, saying that Henrik use to be an intern four years ago before officially working in the facility alongside him and clearing up the fact that he's just an ego. An ego from another person's imagination.

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