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Whenever Anti appears and asked to have a talk, we all know he's not here to... 'talk'.

"Seán! Control your stupid glitch demon!" Mark screamed, ducking under the counter in the kitchen using a big pot cover as a shield. The electricity in the house started flickering, turning the room dim for a few seconds at a time with only the lunar light illuminating and Anti's green glow and sparking outline. Within the dimly lit room, Mark had a slight advantage to take cover, trying to act discreet, but it was to no avail when the light's flickered back on.

The Irishman just stared at his friend from the couch, apathetically. "No, telling me to control him is like telling you to control Dark."

The edge of Anti's knife banged forcefully and repeatedly on the metal pot over Mark's head as Jackie tried grasping onto the glitch, one arm around his abdomen and another around his neck, pulling him back. The hero's arms seared from the glitch's sparks, tearing the sleeves from his outfit, revealing almost second-degree burns. His body is slightly paralyzed as he tried to step his legs together to activate his beam.

Anti was enraged! There's one thing for him to actually calm himself enough to just have a confrontation, but he couldn't hold it in much longer, especially with the incident with Dark. If he was like how he was back then, then he would be doing way worse than just impaling with his knife.

Luckily he still had some self control... just a tad.

"M̴a̴r̵k̶.̷.̸.̵ ̴I̸'̵m̵ ̶s̸o̵r̷r̴y̵ ̷I̵ ̵h̶a̶v̴e̸ ̷t̶o̸ ̷d̶o̵ ̷t̷h̶i̵s..." Anti grunted, as if he was trying to take control. He then let out a high pitch chuckle then screamed out in rage, B̸̟̊U̸̺̔T̶͕̎ ̸͎̚Ḯ̸̺ ̶͇͐A̵̛̲M̶̭͋ ̶͓̒Ș̷́I̵̦͠Ċ̵̣Ḳ̸͠ ̷͈͋O̶̭͐F̶̹̐ ̸̳̔T̷̲̍H̶̺̒A̴̧̾T̶̥̿ ̸̠̀F̸͙͌Ỏ̵͖Ǒ̴̙Ǩ̷̩Ḭ̵̿N̵̻͘G̸̲̓ ̶̰͂M̶̞͋A̶̳͋K̴͎̎E̴͉̓-̸̗͊U̶̝͛P̶̪̈́ ̶̹̋W̸͍͝Ë̸̮́A̴̹̓R̴͓͋Ȉ̴̤N̷̗̐G̵͚̈,̷̲̅ ̸͕̇M̸͍̍Ȁ̴̪N̴̩͝Í̷ͅP̷̑ͅṶ̶̿L̴̪̎A̶̰̔T̷͈͝Ḯ̸ͅV̵͚̐E̶̬͗,̶̭̍ ̵̥̍Ẻ̶̢M̶̳͘O̷̰͆ ̷̙̍S̷̫̅O̵̝̍N̴̰̔ ̷͕̔Ó̸̳F̸̗͝ ̸͖̑A̷̛̝ ̵̲̎Ḇ̷͝Ǐ̷̟T̴͖͐Ć̶͉H̶̘͠ Ȩ̸̂G̷͉̑Ò̶̧ ̵̒͜O̵̜͒F̴͎̀ ̴̰̏Y̴̨̌Ǒ̵̼U̶͉̿Ȑ̵͙S̷! "

"Then why the hell are you taking it all on me?!" Mark shrieked.

The glitch laughed. "B̶e̴c̶a̷u̶s̶e̵.̷.̶.̴ ̸i̶f̴ ̵y̴o̷u̵'̸r̵e̸ ̷g̴o̴n̴e̸,̵ ̸A̵R̴ ̴W̴L̴L̶ ̶B̴E̵ ̶T̷ ̸A̸L̷O̷N̷G̵ ̶I̵T̵ ̵A̴L̴L̷ ̴O̷F̵ ̴Y̵O̶U̷R̷ ̶O̶H̷E̶R̷ ̶E̵G̴S̶!̷ ̵T̵H̴E̵Y̷ ̸A̸L̵L̶ ̴C̶A̴N̴ ̶D̵I̵E̵ ̵O̴O̶ ̷F̴R̷ ̴A̶L̶ ̷I̶ ̷C̵A̶R̵E̵!" His chuckling turned into maniacal laughter.

"Okay, Anti... let's just sit down and chat about this, I can expl--" The Youtuber tried to retain a calm demeanor, until he almost got slashed on the cheek. He turned to his Irish friend. "Are you not gonna help?!" Mark shouted as he reach over to a pan nearby, getting sliced on the arm in the process. "GAH!"

"You'll be fine." Seán answered nonchalantly as he picked up a comic book from the stack and flipped through the pages.


Peeking over the staircase were Amy and Wilford as the pink ego tried to protect the woman from danger, having her hide behind him.

"Don't worry Amy. I'm gonna go get Google." Wilford said. "Go up with the dogs and stay put."

"No!" Amy countered. "Do you want him to malfunction? It's basically like infecting a computer with a virus!"

"Well, what do you expect me to do?!" He shouted as the two ducked behind the wall, but also trying to watch the scene, seeing Mark taking precaution.

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