i can't believe it

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Type barely was able to get home. The pain started half way has he walked. Making it un unbelievably to the couch he had to lay on His stomach. For reasons unknown he felt weak.
Groaning into a pillow he was happy his mother wasent home.
What the fuck did he do? Why didn't he push him off? How could he take him at full speed when he was a virgin?
Type groaned.
My first time was with a vampire...
Soon he Teared up from the pain. his cavity felt like it was on fire. Types mom.kept pain killers on top.of the fridge when type would forget to feed. Mainly he didn't forget but sometimes he wanted to be more human then vampire. So when he would go too long his stomach would knot up. those pain killers would help.
Taking a deep breathe he slowly got up, Unforentally his legs gave out.
"Fuck." He groaned.
Type had to crawl to the kitchen. Holding onto the fridge he was able to get them.
Going to the counter he leaned up against it opening the bottle taking two. Shuffeling to the facet he turned on the water just to make a face.
Types body didn't want it. Trying not to throw up the pills and the water he shuffled has quick has he could to the fridge grabbing viles.
One wasent enough. Stunned he went through 8 til he felt better.
Slowly the fire feeling subsided but his ass was still in.pain.
Not wanting his mother to see him this way he slowly walked with shaky legs to the stairs.
Biting his lip he took a deep breathe letting the banister help him.
Finally he got to his bed.
Not even trying to lay on his back he laid on his stomach.
Grabbing his pillow he screamed into it.
What the fuck didn't i stop it? Why did i let a vampire take my virginity?
Type was pissed, confused and disgusted with himself for even wanting more.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
He continued to screamed into the pillow.
The next few days he stayed in his room healing.
His mother was confused when she saw him shuffling about and his silent treatment but she chalked it up to him being a teenager and being still mad at her.
Being able to finally sit down he turned on the tv just to grimanced. Every channel had a vampire show on.
"You got to be fucking kidding me!"
Throwing the remote to the floor he laid down eyeing the ceiling in frustration.
What was he going to do come Monday?
What could tharn be thinking?
Would tharn hang this over the boy head? Would he tell anyone? Why did they do this? Why did they have sex?
Thoughts ran in his head making him feel ill. Rolling his eyes he got up going to the fridge downing the vials. He had to drink a lot more since that day.
Gulping the sweet content he looked out to the grey world from the kitchen window.
What is going to happen now? What could he do?
Signing he went back to the couch laying on his side curling up. This whole thing was confusing and what made type the most confused he wished it could happen again.
"The hell it will! You are going to stay away from him!"
He said Loudly to the quiet space. Everyday was torture for him. Everyday Monday grew nearer. Type had no idea what to do but really stay away from tharn for the rest of the year.
Thrusday rolled around type was in.His room keeping himself up. He didn't want Monday to come. He wasent ready. Type didn't want to see tharn.
Monday was going to be awkward has fuck for him. Shaking his head his other head was fully erect. Just thinking of tharn made him hard.
"God damn it knock it off!"
He put his hands over his eyes rubbing them in anger and in distain.
Without his knowledge he started to fantasize about tharn being there to slowly kiss his chest then go slowly down to his member to suck him off.
Without thinking his hand had gone down to pump his length.
Letting the fantasy over take him it turned sour when in this he looked down to see tharn prop his head up eyeing type to smile widely just to bite into types cock to Swallow his blood.
Type jolted up.
"Get off!" He half yelled.
"Type are you okay?!"
His mother yelled from downstairs.
"Im im fine!"
Shaking he looked down to see cum all over his hand. Getting up quick he went to the bathroom washing his seed off.
"Fucking disgusting type what's the matter with you!"
Drying his hands he went back to his bed laying in his side bringing his legs to his chest. Eyeing the wall He just took deep breathes.
"Shit what am i going to do?"
Peering at the clock it was 1230 at night and he was spent. The only good thing was tomorrow he was going to the party.
Taking one last deep breathe he couldn't stop himself from falling asleep.

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