Chapter Three ✓

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FRYPAN AND THE GANG DROVE DOWN THE LONG DUSTY NARROW ROAD, THOMAS IN THE PASSENGER'S SEAT, FRYPAN DRIVING, NEWT, AND SCARLETT IN THE BACK. "I should have made you stay with Brenda," Thomas said in the front. Newt looked at Scarlett. Scarlett sat forward, placing her hands on the shoulders of Thomas's seat. "Things can go sideways." 

"Nothing is going to go sideways. I'm with you guys wether you like it or not. So suck it up, okay?" Scarlett licked her lips, "And if things go sideways at least we'll all be together." 

Thomas sighed. He wanted her to stay with Brenda and Jorge since he trusts them more than anything. Scarlett is just too stubborn to stay behind. He should know better by now. 

"You're impossible, you know that?" A small smile formed on his face. Scarlett shrugged. 

"That's why you love me." Thomas's hand found Scarlett's and he placed it on top of hers.
She smiled which made Newt look away. No matter how hard he tries not to think about her 24/7, it's pretty much impossible. 

He knows that she'll never chose him as long as Thomas is still alive. He's alright with them being together, it's just that he fell for her when she first arrived in the Glade, but like before, her and Thomas have history. He wonders if Scarlett would never look at him the way she looks at Thomas, but that's a different story.

They're too much in love to be looking at other people.

"Yeah," Thomas chuckled. Scarlett sat back in  her seat, leaning her head on Newt's shoulder.

Moments like these Newt wishes that he could just wrap his arms around her and kiss her on top of her forehead like Thomas does.

Moments like these make him want to never leave her side.

Frypan pulled up to the tunnel, the dark tunnel with no one else around in sight. They hopped out of their seats and shut the car door, the squeakiness of the door making noise in the air. Scarlett walked ahead, the boys behind her. 

She peered her eyes in the dark tunnel to see if she can see something, but she saw nothing. 

Newt walked up to her, thinking that this is a bad idea. "You want us to go in there?" Thomas walked up to him with a map, looking at it. 

"I don't want to come across this too negative, but if I was a Crank that's exactly where I would be." Newt stated. "I think I have to agree with Newt, Tom," Scarlett said. Thomas looked over at her, meeting those forest green eyes. 

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