A LOT of info.

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Hey beautifuls,

If you want to be part of the story as a girlfriend or sister DM me. 

Also, you can be one of the already made characters! I just need a description of your personality and physical self. 

There will be a Q&A for each character so comment your questions at their names. They will answer as many as possible

Cara Gilinsky-

Taylor Caniff-

Cameron Dallas-

Nash Grier-

Hayes Grier-

Ari Grace Carpenter-

Aaron Carpenter-

Melanie Reese-

Kayla Fitzgerald-

Kate Espinosa-

Kenzie Jacobs-

Matthew Espinosa- 

Carter Reynolds-

Jack Gilinsky-

Jack Johnson-

If I forgot someone please tell me!

Also I need characters. To be a character you need to give me the best personality traits and the one that I feel like works best with the characters personalities will be in the story. The characters I need are:

Jack Gilinsky's girlfriend-

Shawn's girlfriend-

Carter's crush-

Aaron's girlfriend-

And any other character you would like me to try and work into the story DM me for. 

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