Ch. 28

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Cara's POV

I woke up the next morning to taylor telling me we need to leave to go to the event. I was kind of nervous to bring michael honestly he's so little and all those girls can get sort of crazy. I guess we just have to be very careful during the meet and greets and only I will hold him on stage.

"Taylor are you sure about bringing Michael to the event?"

"Well we kind of have to go. We can make sure someone is holding him the whole time"

"Ok" well that made me feel a little better somehow.

We decided to drive because Michael was too little for the plane. We were hoping he would sleep for most of the ride.

He slept for about 6 hours until he started crying. I had to climb in the backseat of the car and try to calm him down. Eventually taylor had to pull over and try to help me. So there we are all the baby stuff laying out in the back of the car trying to get him to stop crying in the parking lot of target when finally a fan came up to us and she said she has a baby brother so we let her help.

Eventually he finally stopped crying and once we got him in the car we hugged her and took a selfie with her.

For the rest of the car ride I played with him so he wouldn't cry and taylor could drive. He fell asleep about 30 minutes before we got there.

"Taylor we never posted a picture on Instagram or Twitter"

"Well you can take a pic and post it on my twitter and your twitter and then do the same with Instagram and we can take a vine later"

"Ok hand me your phone"

"Ok" I took a picture of Michael in his car seat and posted a picture on my Instagram with the caption: 2 days old and already on the road. Can't wait to see everyone at magcon trenton! @taylorcaniff

Then I posted the same picture on Taylor's twitter:
@taylorcaniff: *picture* @carabearg little boy is already going to his first event at 2 days old. Can't wait for magcon Trenton!

Then I posted the picture of us in the hospital on my twitter
@carabearg: *picture* @taylorcaniff couldn't be happier with my little family. Love my little Michael Finnegan Caniff and I can't wait to go to magcon Trenton! See you there!

Then I posted a selfie with michael and you could see taylor in the mirror driving on Instagram with the caption: we can't wait for Trenton magcon with my 2 main boys! @taylorcaniff see you there everyone!

Once we finally got to Trenton we put the stuff in our room and brought michael inside and everyone expected us to be tired but we really weren't. It was pretty late so we let the crew play with Michael for a little bit but there isn't much to do with him yet. After about 20 minutes we put him to bed and I posted the selfie with everyone on twitter telling everyone we were there and couldn't wait for tomorrow.
Michael didn't sleep very much last night but taylor and I took turns waking up with him and in total we counted 5 times that he woke up. He slept through us getting ready and when we are done we go to get Michael dressed. It's kind of scary because he's so little I'm scared if I do one thing wrong I'm gonna hurt him.

Once he's dressed we go and get breakfast but we bring it back up to the room. While we are eating I finish my makeup and get ready for the event. We finished getting ready and we put michael in his carrier and go down the back way to the event.

Everyone was already down there because they like to get there early and they want to see Michael. After everyone played with him for a little bit it was time to go on stage. I stayed off stage with him for a little bit until taylor came off and begged me to come on stage with Michael.

"Taylor you have to ask the girls not to scream or he will get overwhelmed"

"Ok" he said and ran on stage.

"hey do you guys wanna see cara and the baby?" He asked earning screams from the girls "ok you guys can't scream or overwhelm him or else cara has to leave with him so everyone be quiet"

Everyone got quiet and taylor waved me on stage. "Now introducing" jack said "my nephew Michael Finnegan Caniff"

I walked on stage and Michael opened his eyes "taylor look"
"Awe baby boy has his eyes open. Here let me hold him" he said as I handed michael to him "look buddy. Cara he's already getting all the girls"
"Yeah Tay he's just like his daddy" I said and Michael started crying so we sat down and started the interview.
"What's it like having a baby?" A fan asked
"Um" I started as I fed Michael "I'm not really sure yet it's only been 2 days" I answered her question and then choose the next person to ask a question. Finally the interview ended and we all headed to the meet and greet.
"Taylor I'm not so sure if I want to do the meet and greet with michael"

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