Ch. 36

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Cara's POV

I woke up the next morning with something really heavy on my wrist. Then I remembered Taylor's cast. I lightly pushed it off and got out of bed. I always woke up early on Sunday because that was my day to make breakfast. I grabbed the baby monitor and went downstairs. I went the back way into the kitchen so I wouldn't wake anyone up. I walked in and my mom was already cooking.

"Mom, it's my day to cook breakfast!" I said.

"I know honey but if I relied on that I would never have any meals on Sunday and Friday" she said and I smiled.

"Ok. Can I help you though?" I ask and she nods. I put the bread in the toaster and get out the butter. This was a lot harder than I remember, probably because there were more people. Once we finished breakfast, I opened the doors so I could wake everyone up.

After like 5 minutes, the baby monitor hadn't gone off and Taylor wasn't downstairs. Then I remembered I left my door closed. I went upstairs and walked in my room. In seconds Michael was standing up in his crib and Taylor was sitting up in bed.

"I could get used to this" Taylor says yawning.

"Yeah well don't. Do you wanna go to the zoo today?" I ask and Taylor agrees. I get dressed and help Taylor with his shirt before I get Michael dressed. We go back downstairs and eat breakfast. 

"Are you going somewhere?" Matt asks and I nod my head.

"Yeah we are going to the zoo" Taylor said and Molly gasped.

"I wanna go!" she said and ran upstairs to change. Soon everyone decided they were going to go and we were all downstairs. We had to take 3 cars since there were 20 people. Molly drove her car and Cameron, Sofia, Nash, Mel, Matt, and Carter went with her. Laura took his car with Hayes, Kayla, Kenzie, Ari, Aaron, and Shawn. Then I drove Taylor, Michael, Laura, JJ, Jack, and Kate in my dad's car. When we got there we paid and went in.

We all kind of split up. Taylor and I stayed with JJ and Kate. We went to the bears and lions before we went to the animals of the night. At lunch we met everyone else at the cafe and we met a couple fans.

After we finished eating, we went to the barn half of the zoo. We went to see the cows and we got to ride the horses. After that we went to swim with the stingrays. Everyone had swimsuits in their backpacks. It was about 2 feet deep so I sat down and held Michael in the water. A stingray swam by and barely touched his feet. He giggled and started kicking his feet. 

Once we dried off and left the stingray pool it was 4:00. We went to the giraffes, elephants, and zebras. Then Cam saw a sign to ride a camel and ran to it. There were 3 camels at a time and 3 people could go on each. Hayes decided not to go on and he stood with us. The people working there let Taylor take Michael on the camel. Once they finished riding the camel it was 5:00. 

"Let's go to the sea lion show!" Kate yelled. We got there right as it began. We stood at the front and got splashed a couple times. The show ended at 5:30 and I heard Michael snoring so I assumed he was asleep. We all got hungry and decided to go eat before we went to the roller skating rink. 

The zoo had a McDonalds at the front so we ate there. When we finished it was 6 so we walked to the roller skating rink. The girl that was supposed to tell the rules knew who we were so she let me skate with Michael. We took a picture with her and I followed her on twitter. We skated for a little while before we got tired.

"Guys it's 7 so we can go get seats" Jack says.

"I think I still have some chairs in my car" Laura says.

"Me too" Molly says.

"I have a couple blankets in dad's car that we could sit on" I said. We used to do this every Friday after Laura started driving. We stamped our hands so we could come back in and went to get the stuff. I opened the back of the car and got the stuff. Everyone said they had jackets in their bags and I had a baby blanket for Michael in my bag. I put the baby blanket over Michael and grabbed the big blankets before we walked back to the gates. 

We walked in and laid down the blankets and set up the chairs. We only had like 10 chairs so everyone else sat on the blankets. I sat on one blanket with Kate, Molly, Ari, and Kayla. Matt, Kenzie, Sofia, Mel, Nash, and Cam sat on the other blanket and everyone else sat in chairs. I sat in front of Taylor and leaned on his legs. While we were waiting, I braided Kate's hair and Taylor tried to braid mine. Soon we heard the announcement that it was 8 and I covered Michael's ears to try and keep him asleep. 

Once the fireworks were over it was about 8:30. I was really tired because I had been walking around all day with a 18 pound baby strapped to me along with my backpack. We walked back to the car and we had about a 30 minute drive. Taylor drove and I slept for a couple minutes. I went inside and put Michael to bed before I took a shower. Once I got in bed, I laid on my phone following and dming people on twitter. I did that for about 30 minutes before I went to sleep.

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