Ch. 35

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A/N: Ok so I said I would be doing an outfit for every chapter. I just meant everyone from Ch. 33 to the end. Ok bye!

Cara's POV

I woke up the next morning to a crying baby. I was not used to that at all. As I got up to get Michael I smelt my mom's famous Saturday morning breakfast. I looked over at Michael and smirked.

"You just want the yummy food don't you" I said in my baby voice as I walked up to the crib and acted like I was in jail. Michael started giggling and I heard Taylor move on the bed. I look over and see him smiling.

"Goodmorning" I said and smiled at him.

"Goodmorning" he says "what smells so good?"

"Um bacon, eggs, toast, hashbrowns, and sausage" I say picking up Michael "my mom has a lot of free time and the kitchen doors lock in the smell. She opens them to get us up on Saturday at 10" I check my phone. 10:05. All of a sudden hear Jack running down the hallway.

"Yo Jackenstein" I yell and he stops at my door. His eyes are wide and he is almost drooling.

"Mom made breakfast" he said and ran down the hall. I laughed and walked out my door with Taylor following. I go downstairs and see all the plates set out on the table. I look at my seat and see my favorite breakfast set out on the table. I always ate the same thing for breakfast every week and sat at the same place every meal.

"Hey honey" my mom said kissing my forehead "I figured if Michael was anything like your brother he would wake up to the smell so I made a bottle for you"

I looked at my mom shocked and she winked at me. She really did miss having all of us around. She took Michael and grabbed the bottle from the kitchen. She started feeding him and Taylor and I looked at her skeptically. We slowly sat down and she nodded. I picked up my fork very slowly, making sure she was ok with this.

"For Heaven's sake. Taylor, Cara, please eat your breakfast. I can feed the kid" she said and smiled at us.

"Don't feel bad about it. Jack used to feed you so mom never really did" Molly said and Jack blushed. After we finished eating Cameron stood up very forcefully.

"I say that today we.....wait what do you do in Omaha?" he said

"Ummmmm. I don't know. We never really did much" I said.

"We could play basketball or volleyball or go swimming or-" Jack started but was interuppted by Nash.

"We shall swim" he said and with that we all went to change into our bathing suits. I came back down and of course everyone was already down there. I had to get myself and a baby dressed. It wasn't easy. Molly offers to drive and we soon arrive at the neighborhood pool. We walk in and the girls and I go lay down in lawn chairs. We hear the guys yell and splash and then pretty much everyone leaves but us. I was playing with Michael and the rest of the girls were tanning.

"Ow" we hear someone yell and our heads shoot up. I see Taylor standing up out of the water and his arm is bent all weirdly. Molly takes Michael from me and I run over there.

"Oh my gosh" I say looking at Taylor's arm, being careful not to hurt him "Molly do you wanna let me borrow your car and babysit for a couple hours?" I ask. She nods and throws me her keys. I put on my shirt and shorts and help Taylor put his shirt on. We get in the car and I drive to the ER.

We get there and we walk in. I recognized the lady at the front desk from all the times I've been here either for myself or Jack.

"Well if it isn't Ms. Cara Gilinsky" she says "what can I do for you?"

"This time it isn't my brother with a broken something. Today it's my boyfriend with a broken arm" I said.

"You're positive it's broken?" she asked and I grabbed Taylor's good hand.

"I'm pretty sure" I said and he showed her his arm. She started laughing and told me which room to go to.

"Why was she laughing?" Taylor asked me.

"Because this is the 5th time I've been here because of a broken arm. I won't be surprised if I end up in here with Michael" I said and he nodded. The doctor walks in and also recognizes me.

We are there for about another hour and when we leave, Taylor has a cast. We get home and he goes up to my room and lays on my couch. My mom doesn't really have sympathy for this type of stuff anymore because we have been to the ER so many times. I bring him some food and turn on a movie. I look in the crib and Molly had already put Michael to sleep. I looked at the clock and it was 7 pm.

I went to look for everyone else and found them out in the backyard. I went back upstairs to get Michael because I figured I could lay with him outside with everyone else. He woke up when I picked him up but didn't cry. I grabbed a blanket and went outside. I sat down next to Molly and gave her the car keys.

"So what's up with Taylor?" Matt asked.

"He broke his arm" I said and Nash laughed.

"He can't swim with us now" he said.

"He's only in the cast for 2 weeks" I said and he stopped laughing.

"Oh" Nash said and Cameron started laughing.

I rolled my eyes and heard slight snoring. I look down and Michael is asleep. I lean back and rock in the chair so he stays asleep.

"Is he snoring?" Mel asks and I nod.

"That's so cute!" she says and we all laugh. Then I realized I was still in the clothes I was wearing at the pool.

"So does anyone want to hold the snoring baby while I change clothes?" I ask.

"I want to! Molly didn't put him down today" Laura complains as Kate picks him up and puts him in Laura's lap.

I run upstairs and see Taylor asleep on the couch. I wake him up to the point where he can walk and take him over to my bed and tuck him in. Then I go change back into my pajamas, even though the shirt was a crop top. I kiss Taylor's forehead and then go back downstairs. I walk outside and let Laura hold Michael for a couple minutes until my stomach gets cold. I walk over and take him from Laura.

"Hey!" she says

"Sorry, he's mine" I smirked at her and Jack and Molly laughed. Laura is the oldest so everything was hers when we were little. Her catch phrase was 'Sorry, it's mine' so now we can use it against her. She crossed her arms like I used to do when I was little and Molly rolled her eyes. As I sat down with Michael Jack started joking around too.

"Brats" he said in his kid voice.

"What are you all 5 again?" my mom asked and everyone laughed.

"Cara you just got a text" Mel said after we all calmed down.

"It's Taylor. I think I'm just gonna go to bed. Night guys!" I said getting up. I carried Michael up the stairs and my ADHD got the best of me. Babies are so cute when they sleep I thought. By the time I got to my room I was thinking about unicorns. I put Michael in his crib and walked over to my bed.

"You needed me?" I asked after I kissed Taylor.

"The bed got cold" he said.

"You are an idiot" I said as I cuddled into him. Then it got quiet enought the we could hear Michael snoring.

"Is he?" Taylor asked.

"Snoring? Yes" I said without opening my eyes. After a little while, I hear snoring that's just a little bit louder than Michael's and I know Taylor is asleep. Soon after that, I fell asleep too.

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