Ch. 15

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AN: ok so go back and read the end of chapter 14 before reading this. I edited it so it might not make since right now.

While we are walking downstairs I run into taylor.

"Can I talk to you please?" He says.

"Sure" I said telling Carter I go ahead.

"Look I'm sorry I rushed you I was just so excited for our date and I'm miserable without you. I'm so sorry. I love you cara" he says.

"I love you too taylor. I guess I was kind of hard on you. I'm sorry" I say hugging him.

"Come on" he says and we hear cam scream pumä in the mic "it sounds like they are on stage" he says laughing.

He grabs my hand and we open the door. Balloons fall from the ceiling and a disco ball turns on.

"So cara" I hear the speaker say and look up on the screen to see taylor on the screen "I've been a complete idiot and I haven't forgiven myself for it. I'm sorry I was such an awful boyfriend and I know you deserve so much better but I love you cara" the video turns off and shawn comes and grabs my hand and leads me on stage. I see taylor standing there with flowers and he just looks at me for a minute and I realize I am crying.

"Caraline Grace Gilinsky, will you do the honor of being my girlfriend and giving me a second chance?"

I was crying so hard that all I could do was nod. Taylor walked up to me for a hug and I opened my arms and hugged him. "I love you taylor" I managed to say. "I love you too" he replies and hands me the flowers.

"Awwww" we hear the fans say reminding us that they are still there.

"kiss kiss kiss" they start chanting and taylor and I laugh. He puts his thumb under my chin and lifts it and kisses me. I pull away after a little bit blushing.

"Ok it's time for the meet and greet" cam says "the tables go Ari and Aaron, Jack G and Shawn, me and Sofia, Jack J and Kate, nash and Melanie, hayes and Kayla, Kenzie and Matt, and taylor and cara" he says winking at us.

Everyone walks off the stage and toward their tables. I feel 2 arms wrap around me and I start laughing.

"Why are you laugh?" Taylor says laughing too.

"It tickles" I giggled.

"Oh really" he says with a mischievous look "well then you would not like it if I do this" he says hugging me tightly and picking me up.

"Taylor stop put me down" I say as he runs to our table.

"I don't think I can do that" he says turning me around and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Ugh fine" I said as I look around and see almost every fan taking pictures. Then I feel my feet finally on the ground and I kiss taylor because I knew all the fans would love it. When I pull away our line is longer than Cameron's.

"Look taylor" I whisper "we have the longest line"

"Omg" he says really loudly getting everyone attention "we have a longer line than the Cameron Dallas"

"No way he's like the hotest guy on the Internet" I reply.

"Yeah but taylor Caniff is hotter with better abs" taylor fires back lifting his shirt earning screams from the fans.

"Oh yeah" Cameron says lifting his shirt "check it"

"What about the nash Grier?" Nash shoots and soon all the guys except Shawn have their shirts off.

"So who has the best cara?" My brother asks.

"Well I don't know. I haven't seen Shawn's" I say and all the guys ooh and the fans start chanting Shawn Shawn Shawn Shawn.

"Nah" he says.

"Fine" I say "we will vote on which guys has the best. Go to the table of the guy who has the best-" before I could finish all the girls were running to a table. After everyone had calmed down Ari and I got on Aaron's and Taylor's shoulders and looked around.

"I say Taylor wins" I said.

"I think it's Cameron" she said.

"Maybe it's a tie" I said "ok everyone it's between taylor and Cameron. Sofia get on Cameron's shoulders and everyone go to either Cameron or Taylor's table" Our legs weren't blocking everyone's view because we put our feet behind them.

"And Taylor wins" Sofia and I say together and taylor starts running around with me on his shoulders "not again" I groan.

"Sorry babe" he says as he gets ready to throw me to jack "jack catch"

Once he caught me he put me down and I walked to my table with Taylor.

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