Ch. 26

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Cara's POV

Ok so let me catch you up. I was 6 months pregnant and we found out the day before that it was a boy. Taylor and I had talked about names before but none of them ever really stuck so we decided to use the magcon Indianapolis show to help us out. During the show, we set aside time for Taylor and I to do this. I explained what was going on to the fans and then started the game.

"Hey guys! So before the show, we asked everyone up here to write names that weren't their own on this paper and we got: Liam, Noah, Ethan, Mason, Logan, Connor, Jacob, Aiden, Owen, Elijah, Levi, James, Michael, and Alexander," I announced .

"Then, the two of us went through and picked our 3 favorites: Micheal, Levi, and Owen," Taylor continued. "We're going to have the rest of you vote on these last three by screaming as loud as you can for your favorite one. Ok?"

Cameron, Jack G, and Nash each had whiteboards with the names write on it to hold up for the vote. "Micheal?" I asked and Cameron rose his board up as the screams in the room rose as well. "Levi?" I asked again, as Jack rose his. "Owen?" I finished and the screams grew even louder. 

"Sofia?" Taylor asked, as she was the decided judge of the contest.

"It's Micheal," She said and Taylor and I look at each other. I smiled for the crowd but could tell Taylor and I were thinking the same thing. Taylor and I got off stage and the show continued on as normal.

"Taylor, can I talk to you?" I asked, pulling him away from Nash for a minute.

"Yeah, babe," He agreed and followed me to a more private area.

"I was kind of hoping for Levi. I had never really thought about it before but now I really like it," I confessed.

"Actually, I was thinking the same thing," He replied.

"But I don't want to let the fans down," I said.

"Yeah," Taylor said as he thought for a minute, "what if we named him Micheal Levi and called him Levi?"

"I love that," I said with a smile. A stage manager informed us that Taylor's next part on stage was coming up so he had to go. He kissed me goodbye and placed a loving hand on my belly before running back onstage. As he got a microphone, he took me by surprise too.

"Hey! So I know you're all probably sick of baby talk," He said, cut off by a bunch of screams at the word baby. "But Cara and I have decided to name our sweet, handsome little boy Micheal Levi and call him Levi." 

Screams of approval erupted in the room. Once I heard his name, I felt a small kick in my stomach and smiled. 

"Hi, Levi," I said quietly. Taylor turned toward me and gave me a huge smile, one that gave me butterflies and a sense of peace at the same time.

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