Ch. 20

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Cara's POV

I asked Kellie to help me get ready for the party. I put on my black mini dress and let Kellie do my makeup. Then I put on my black heels and post a picture of tristan, taylor, and I playing with the football on twitter.

@carabeargilinsky: the main men *picture*

Taylor and Dillon replied.

@taylorcaniff: good times

@dillonrupp: see ya soon

"Hey babe you ready?" Taylor said.

"Yep lets go" I say.

We walk downstairs and we see Mr. Kevin and Ms. Kelli dressed up.

"Hey guys we won't be here when you get back. Actually no one will. We are going to a party at my friends and it's an all night party. Tristan is sleeping over at Mike's and Kellie and the babies are going to see Jordan for the night. So we love you, be safe, have fun, and use protection!" She says kissing both of our foreheads before yelling up to Kellie that they are leaving.

"Oh and can you drop tristan off taylor?"

"Uh yeah sure" taylor says "tristan if you want to go to mike's you better hurry up"

Kellie came downstairs with both kids and kissed taylor and their dad on their cheek and said goodbye before rushing out the door.

"Tristan we are leaving" Mr. Kevin yells to him and everyone heard him running downstairs with his backpack to go to Mike's.

"Ok be good for Mike's mom she has my number if you need anything. Taylor, Cara, I mean what I said earlier and Cara honey you look beautiful" Ms. Kelli said with a smile "bye kids love you"

"Bye love you too" we all replied.

"Ok let's go" I said.

Once we dropped Tristan off we headed to Dillon's. We walked in and I vowed that I wouldn't get drunk or drink at all. Dillon came and greeted us and hugged me because we hadn't seen each other in a while.

There wasn't much going on at the party so Taylor and I left early. Right before we turned onto his street taylor put his hand on my thigh. Once we got inside we starting kissing and it turned into a heated makeout session. Taylor broke the kiss to carry me up to his room. We both kicked off our shoes and started kissing again. I started unbuttoning Taylor's shirt and took it off without breaking the kiss. Then taylor unzipped my dress and pulled it off. Then I unbuttoned his pants and slipped them off.

CENSORED (I'm uncomfortable so I stopped there. You get the idea though)

I was cuddled into Taylor when I realized we forgot the thing Ms. Kelli warned us about the most. We didn't use protection.

"Um taylor shouldn't we get dressed in case someone comes home or we have to go get Tristan?" I asked feeling nervous. I'm probably not pregnant though. But even if I was taylor said himself he thinks we could raise a baby together.

"That's probably a good idea" he said.

After we were dressed I heard Taylor's phone ring. "I'll get it" I yelled to him. It was Ms. Kelli.

K- Ms. Kelli C- Cara

C- Hello

K- hey cara it's Ms. Kelli

C- hi is something wrong

K- sort of. Mikes mom called and said that Tristan wasn't feeling good and wants to go home.

C- well we can go get him. We are actually just hanging out at home right now

K- oh. Did you use protection?

I look up at taylor who is looking at me with an expressionless look

C- um.....

K- I'm just kidding but are you sure you want to go get him. You don't have to

C- can I have mike's moms number so I can call and see what's wrong?

K- of course it's 901-664-3357 and her name is Jordan Cooper

C- ok thank you!

K- of course. Have taylor text me and tell me the plan

C- I will

K- alright love you guys

C- we love you too

K- bye

C- bye

*end of phone call*

"Oh my god" taylor says sitting down with his hands holding his head.

We both sat there quietly for a minute before I decided to call Mrs. Cooper.

J- Mrs. Cooper C- Cara T- tristan

J- hello?

C- hi Mrs. Cooper this is cara I'm Tristan's sister

J- oh hi honey call me Jordan

C- ok I just wanted to call and see how Tristan is doing

J- he said he didn't feel so well. Would you like to talk to him?

C- yes please


T- hello

C- hey bud it's cara

T- hey cara

C- what's wrong

T- well I wanted to hang out with mike but I also want to hang out with you and taylor

C- tristan we are going to be here for 2 weeks and then I'm coming back for Christmas. Stay there and play with mike ok?

T- ok

C- can I talk to Mrs. Jordan now

T- ok love you

C- love you too

J- so what have we decided

C- he told me he just wanted to hang out with us while we are here but he decided he wants to stay now

J- alright I'll see you in the morning!

C- ok bye

J- bye

*end of phone call*

I look over and taylor is still sitting there with his head in his hands.

"Taylor it's ok. I'm probably not pregnant anyways" I reassure him.

"You're right" he says "and even if you are we could raise a baby right?"

"Of course!" I said "everything's gonna be alright"

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