Ch. 27.....3 months later

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Cara's POV
So today I'm 9 months pregnant and I just want to hold my baby. Taylor is running around like a chicken with its head cut off and it's driving me insane.
"Taylor calm down and go to bed. I'm tired" I say as he finally comes to get in bed "in my opinion if the baby came now it wouldn't be that bad. I mean we are in your hometown and come on we would get to see him"
"Yeah I guess" Taylor says
A couple hours later I wake up to a sharp pain in my stomach.
"Taylor" I say shaking him "wake up I think the baby's coming"
After I said that taylor jumped out of bed literally and I started laughing.
"What? What's so funny?" He asked
"You" I said laughing
"Come on" he said and he texted his parents telling them where we went for when they woke up since it was 5 am.
In the car we made a vine telling everyone that the baby was coming and immediately getting calls from everyone because they had magcon this weekend they were up early for their flights. Taylor texted them saying we can't answer the phone and told me the Omaha people are driving here now and hayes and the Cali people are catching the next flight here.
"Hey are you doing ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine I guess I'm just too excited to feel the pain"
"That's good baby"
Skipping to when the baby is born
"Here's your baby Ms. Gilinsky" the doctor says handing me Michael
"Um Mr. Caniff can you come fill out the papers?"
"Uh sure" he says kissing my forehead "when I get back I get to hold him"
"Well that baby is about as handsome as his daddy" Ms. Kelli says walking in the hospital room
"Isn't he?" I say turning so that she can see him better
"You don't have to move. I can see him just fine honey. Oh and just so you don't get overwhelmed, Mr. Kevin and I are only letting 2 people in at a time"
"Thank you. Will you send my brother in?"
"Of course"
As I waiting for jack I rocked Michael. He was so much smaller than Briggs! He was cuter though I have to admit.
"Where's my nephew?" I heard my brother ask
"Hey jack" I said as he kissed my forehead
"Wow. He got his eyes from you" he said
"How do you know that" I said
"Well cause Taylor's are green like the rest of his family but Michael's are dark brown"
"Jack my eyes are blue"
"And you're the only one in our family. The rest of us have eyes like him"
"Hey buddy we have the same middle name" he says in his baby voice "can I?"
"Of course. Just be careful" I said as Jack picked him up.
"He's so little" jack said
"Isn't he?"
"You were this little"
"And you remember that?"
"You were this little in the picture of me holding you in dad's chair"
"Oh. Really?"
"K I really want kate to come in here" I said
"Ask and you shall receive" she says coming in the room "ok jack give him to me" she says and jack gives him to her.
"He's so adorable! He looks just like taylor"
"Doesn't he?"
"But then he looks just like you which is basically jack"
"I know right. I can't to see what his hair is gonna look like" I said
"Maybe like mine?"
"Oh hey JJ"
"He's adorable cara. I actually came to tell you guys Sofia and cam are gonna die if they don't see him soon"
"Ok send in nash and Mel" I said
"Ha alright"
Eventually Sofia and Cameron were holding him when taylor walked in.
"Ok can I hold my baby now?" His asks
"Yeah man" cam says
"He's so cute" Sofia says as they hand michael to taylor and leave
"Finally they're gone" I said
"Ha yeah I get to hold my boy. He looks like you"
"Taylor he is you. Just look at him"
"Michael finnegan caniff. Family name and he looks like both people he was named after"
After taylor held him for a while he finally gave him back to me. The doctors came in and said we could leave the next day they just wanted us to stay overnight in case anything was wrong. I finally held my baby.

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