Ch. 23

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Cara's POV

"Cara wake up we are getting ready to land in Miami" taylor says.

"Ok. Give me Briggs so I can put him back in his carrier"

"Ok" once I put him in his carrier we got all of our stuff together.

We didn't bother using the over head compartment because we wanted to get on and off easily.

Once we were off we went to baggage claim and we got some looks but whatever. We waited for Jack to come pick us up. We had gotten there a day late because tristan wanted us to take him to school but we could have anyone and everyone come pick us up.

"Hey there's jack" taylor said "sup man" they say and bro hug.

"Hey baby sis" he says hugging me before I pick up Briggs "why do you have a baby?"

"We'll explain in the car" taylor says.

We put our stuff in the car and we have to go through our bags to find the base to briggs car seat but once we do we put him in the car and we're off.

"Ok so baby?" Jack says when Briggs starts crying.

"Chill he's not ours" I say putting his pacifier.

"He's my sisters" taylor says.

"Oh that still doesn't explain why you have him" jack says.

"Well I'm not sugar coating it I'm pregnant" I say trying to get Briggs to calm down.

"Oh well I'll be here for you if you can make the baby stop crying" he says jokingly make us all giggle.

"Wait taylor did you feed him on the plane?"


"That explains it he's hungry" I say "and he's not gonna stop crying until we get to the hotel where I can make him a bottle"

"Really?" Jack says.

"I can drive if you want" taylor offers.

"Nah it's ok. Besides it's not your kid" jack says.

"No but we have to act like it. That's the whole point in having him with us" I inform him.

"Well in that case taylor do you want to drive"

"Yeah kind of" taylor says.

"Ok let me pull over and we'll switch"

They switch and eventually we are at the hotel. I start to get the bags but jack stops me.

"I'll help with the bags, you get the baby to stop crying" he says.

"Can do" I said and grabbed Briggs and his bags and went inside the hotel. I saw everyone in the lobby and quickly said "if you want to say hi or find out why I have a baby take me to the room ASAP" and kate lead me to mine and Taylor's room and opened the door. I let her hold briggs while I fixed his bottle and explained that it was Taylor's sisters and his name was Briggs and that I was pregnant.

Everyone said that they were there for us and told me to get the baby to shut up. I took him from kate and fed him while I talked to kate.

"So why do you have him? You didn't exactly explain it" she said
"Well we are learning how to take care of a baby before our baby is even born" taylor said. Jack brought him up here. Everyone else left.

"That makes since" kate said.


"So how old is he?"

"2 months"

"How did he do on the plane?"

"Amazing. He just slept"

"How about the car?"

"Well he cried the whole time because taylor didn't feed him on the plane"

"Who all have you told?"

"Everyone but my mom and the fans. I'm gonna let jack tell her and we are telling the fans at the event"


"Anymore questions?"

"Are you nervous?"

"As fuck" I said.

"Don't say that around him" taylor said.


"Do you want a boy or girl?"

"Boy" we both said.

"Have any name ideas?"

"Well we want the middle name to be finnegan but we are doing a baby name contest. We are going to let the crew suggest some names and we will pick the top 3 and everyone will vote. In the end we could end up named him a name that wasn't even suggested but we thought it would be fun"

"Wait so you know it's a boy?"

"No but we know the girl is Taylynn Kathryn so we just need a boys name"

"How far along are you?"

"2 very slow weeks"

"Cool. I think briggsie is asleep Cara"

"Huh" I say looking down at him.

"oh yeah he is. Here taylor" I say handing him the bottle.

"We were gonna do a meet up at the ice cream shop if you guys want to go"

"Uh I don't think that would be a good idea for Briggs"

"Ok well I'll see you later bye guys" kate said leaving.

"Taylor you can go if you want" I said.

"Nah I'll stay here" he said.

"Are you sure? People will suspect thing" I said.

"We'll let them suspect. We are telling them tomorrow so it kind of doesn't matter" he says kissing my forehead.

"That's true" I said and Briggs started to squirm so I rocked him back to sleep. He really was a cute baby. I laid down, laid Briggs on my chest and turned on PLL. I took a selfie with taylor in the background and posted it on Instagram. I had changed my username because mine was too long before.

@caragilinsky: just hanging with my godson watching PLL with @taylorcaniff he's so precious @kncaniff

A few minutes later my phone dinged and taylor had commented on it.

@taylorcaniff: love you

"Love you too" I said.

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