Chapter 14. No way

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Cara's POV

I run off stage and to the room. I run in my room and slam the door shut before bursting into tears. After a few minutes, I got up and got my pajamas from my bag. I went in the bathroom and changed clothes before going and laying on my bed and getting on my phone. I went on twitter and saw so much hate so I decided to tweet out.

@carabeargilinsky: guys I didn't do anything wrong. I was asked a question and I answered it without going into detail. I thought you guys deserved to know. Taylor decided to tell you why we broke up. So if I'm a slutty ass bitch for that then fine. No hate toward anyone we are all still family.

After that I wrote another tweet:

@carabeargilinsky: Taylor and I broke up because we didn't get along as well anymore. We only hung out together and never with the rest of the group. We became too attached so we ended it. I still love Taylor we just aren't meant to be.

"Hello? Cara?" I heard a voice call

"In here" I said

"Hey Cara" Carter said walking in my room. He looked up and saw me crying and rushed over to me with open arms "Sweet cheeks I'm so sorry this happened to you! I know you didn't do anything wrong and everyone else should too. If it makes you feel better Taylor tweeted out telling everyone not to hate on you" He said trying to comfort me.

"Thanks Carter" I said.

"Of course baby lips" that was a new one "I'm changing into my cookie monster onsie you change into your elmo one and turn on netflix on the iPad"

"ARE WE DOING OPERATION NETFLIX FORT?" Operation netflix fort was something carter and i used to do all the time. We would put our onsies on and build a fort and set up netflix on my iPad.

"Of course! I'm gonna tell everyone to continue with the meet and greet" He called walking to his room to change.

"I pulled up amazon prime instead of netflix so we could watch my girl" I told carter when we walked back in. That was our movie and we hadn't watched it in a while. I started crying when Thomas J. died like I always do and Carter put his arm around me. Once the movie ended, I started crying because I get really upset when Thomas J. dies.

"The first time I saw it I thought Thomas J. and Vada were going to get married but no he has to die" I whined with tears rolling down my cheeks

"I know. I was there" Carter reminded me

"Oh yeah" I said queitly, starting to blush. After a few seconds I look up at Carter who smiled at me and I smiled back at him. He started to lean in and so did I, but I didn't realize it until our lips touched. But I didn't pull away. Our lips moved perfectly in sync and it felt different than when I kissed Taylor. There were no sparks or fireworks. Finally I pulled away and smiled at him. After an awkward silence my phone buzzed. It was a youtube notification. Cameron Dallas posted a new video: THE BEST GIRL IN THE WORLD

Carter looked at me with a puzzeled expression as I clicked on the video. Cam was down on one knee and he said "Sofia will you be my girlfriend?" Of course she said yes, he stood up and she ran and jumped into his arms.
"Awwwwww" I said and carter laughed. His phone went off and it was a text from Nash.

"We should go back down there. Fans are asking for us" he told me.

"Ok" I said and he went and changed out of his onesie and I changed out of mine. We decided to wear the same thing so no one thought anything. I also had to fix my hair and makeup because of the movie.

"You ready?" I called carter.

"Yep. Let's go" he said.

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