Ch. 17

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Cara's POV

"Cara" I heard Taylor's voice say very gently "wake up baby"

I opened my eyes and saw taylor smile. Then I checked my phone and saw that it was 5 am and he was still in pajamas. "What do you want? It's 5 am" I groaned.

"The flight leaves at 7 babe" he said.

"Ugh ok" I replied rolling out of bed into his arms because it would've hurt if I had fallen on the floor "why so early" I asked as he put me down.

"Kellie and Bryn and Briggs will get there at 11:45 and we get there around 11:30 because my dad doesn't want to make 2 trips" he explained before kissing my forehead.

"Ok" I replied yawning.

"I'm gonna go get ready you should do the same"


I got ready in a Taylor Caniff tie dye tank with Cameron Dallas sweat pants and my vans that I had JJ autograph one shoe and Jack autograph the other. I'm also wearing a Carter Reynolds beanie with a Shawn Mendes peace emoji bracelet, a matt espinosa phone case, Kate's necklace, and a Aaron Carpenter bracelet. I also put my Nash Grier hoodie in my backpack. I promised the boys I would wear 1 piece of each of their merch as a challenge and I won. I was actually wearing one of Ari's socks, Mel's undertank, Kate's necklace, one of Kayla's socks, and Kenzie's lipstick.
I finished packing when I heard Kate laughing from her bed.

"You actually did it" she said.

"Do I really look that ridiculous?" I said.

"No I'm just laughing cause I owe JJ 5 dollars now" she said.

"K. I love you and I'll see you in a couple weeks" I said walking out the door of our room "bye Mel" I said earning a groan from the top bunk. I went in everyone's rooms and kissed their foreheads because you do not want to wake the guys. There was like a guy in every room awake so I would get confirmation that I said bye.

At the airport, Taylor and I got starbucks and made a white girl vine like the one nash did. We saw a couple fans and by then it was 6:45 so we started walking toward our gate and when we got there we heard the intercom say our plane was boarding.

Taylor got first class tickets so we were one of the first people to board. While everyone else was getting on a girl asked us if we were Caylor.

"What's Caylor?" I asked her.

"Your ship name" she said.

"Oh yeah that's us" Taylor says smiling.

"You guys are so cute!" She squealed.

"Awe thanks" taylor said "what's your name"

"I'm taylynn" she says.

"Ha see its a pretty name for a pretty girl" taylor said.

"Ok you're right it is a pretty name taylor" I said "well it was nice meeting you!"

"You too" she said as she continued walking.

Once everyone was seating and Taylor went up to the flight attendant and told her something. She nodded and he came back and sat down.
"What was that about?" I asked.

"Nothing" he said.

"Ok I have been notified that someone on this plane has a fear of flying" the flight attendant said over the intercom and I look at taylor.



"So I'm going to try to go over safety procedures in 20 seconds" she says.

Taylor and I timed her and she did it in 19 seconds.

"Southwest flight attendants are the best" I say.

"Yes they are" taylor replies.

"So how did I do?" The flight attendant says standing in the isle leaning on Taylor's chair.

"19 seconds" he said.

"New record" she says smiling at me "if you need anything pumpkin I'm actually sitting right behind you when we are landing and taking off"

"Ok thanks" I said.

"I'll be right back" she said before going and announcing we will be taking off soon. After that I fell asleep on Taylor's shoulder.

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