Ch. 33 (a couple months later)

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Cara's POV

Taylor and I got ourselves and Michael ready before we went to go get breakfast. We were in Hawaii for an event.

"I absolutely LOVE Hawaii" I said spinning around. The lobby was outside and I loved how amazing the weather always was. Taylor smiled and kissed my cheek and Michael giggled.

"Cara can we stop spinning and go get food?" Taylor asked. I nodded my head and took Michael from him. He's gotten so much bigger than when we were at the first event. Now we take him to all the events and put a gate up around the stage so he can crawl around. No one has ever really tried to hurt him and he reaches for the girls sometimes. It's SUPER cute.

We went and sat down before Taylor went to go get the food. While he did that I fed Michael and just thought. Most people were telling us that we wouldn't be as happy or we would lose our spirit taking care of him all the time. I think the Michael has just made us happier. I mean how can you look into those eyes and be upset. Plus we have so many people to help us we even have some time to ourselves.

"Hey baby sister" Jack says and sits down across from me.

"Hey it's the Jackster" I said and we both hear a little giggle. I notice that he has finished his bottle so I put it away.

"Well hi there Michael" Jack says coming over to pick him up. Whenever Jack is around he is usually holding Michael. In fact he's more likely to wake Michael up from a nap or really late at night than Cameron. Speaking of that.

"Hello everybody" the one and only Cameron Dallas says "Hi Michael" he says kissing the top of Michael's head. Then it sounded like a bunch of elephants running as the guys came to breakfast. Soon Taylor came back with the food and sat down next to me. I called Kate and told her to get the rest of the girls and come downstairs. Once they came down and we all finished eating we went to the event.

We had just finished setting up the gate when they said they were letting the girls into the event in 5 minutes. We went backstage and waited. After a couple minutes we heard screaming and then an announcement.

We were all messing around on stage when I noticed how Michael went up to the end of the stage and made noises at the girls. I smiled and went back to the mini tramp. After a little while we started a Q&A. One person asked us how fast Michael can crawl. I carried him to one side of the stage and Taylor went to the other side with a cookie. Cam got out a timer.

"On your mark.....get set......GO" Nash yelled and I put Michael down. He crawled to Taylor really quickly and everyone laughed when he picked him up.

"10 seconds" cameron said and we all sat back down. A couple more questions were asked and then we moved on to the meet and greet. Michael now sat in a play pen behind us and usually yelled when he wanted out. It's like he was born to be an internet star.

We ended up holding him for most of the meet and greet. We let a couple of the fans hold him for a picture but Taylor usually had his hand on Michael's back when we did that. After a little while Michael got cranky so I took him up for his nap. I came back down about an hour and a half later with Michael. When I got down there they will still doing the meet and greet. Wow there were more Hawaii fans than I thought. A couple girls came up to me and asked if they could hold Michael. I got nervous and said no. I tried to walk away but they stopped me.

"Why do you not trust us?" One girl asks

"No I-" I say but am interuppted.

"She probably just doesn't want us to like Taylor anymore" Another says

"That's not it I-" I start but am interuppted one more time

"She must have sucked the life out of Taylor by having that baby" One more says

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