Ch. 39

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Cara's POV

It's been 4 months since Taylor and I got married and we all moved into the same apartment complex in California. We were all on the same street so we didn't have to drive to get to each other's houses. Kate was starting to annoy me and everyone else too but I figured that would be over soon.

I was making Michael lunch and he was playing with his cars in the extra room where we had a tv and all his toys. Taylor was filming a Youtube video in the living room.

"Mommy!" Michael yelled running through the house.

"Michael honey daddy is filming a video" I said and he stopped running and calmed down. I finished making Michael's lunch and made him come eat. Once he finished I grabbed mine and Taylor's lunch and sat next to him. He was filming a Q&A so he didn't mind. He answered a couple more questions before he ended the video.

After he finished filming we decided to go swimming. Kate and JJ didn't go because Kate was kind of insecure. We swam for about 2 hours before we went back to the apartment. Michael took a nap and Taylor and I watched netflix. He woke up around 5 and played in the extra room until I finished making dinner. When we sat down for dinner it was 6:30. By the time we finished it was 7:00 so we gave him a bath and got him ready for bed.

Once we finished it was time for him to go to bed. I showered and got ready for bed. I sat down next to Taylor on the couch and messed around on my laptop for a couple hours. I went to be at 10 but was woken up a couple hours later. At 2 am my phone start ringing and I didn't think anything of it until they called again. I saw that it was Kate and answered it.

Phone call

C- cara J- jack

C- Hello?

J- Hey Cara. It's Jack

C- Oh hey! What's up?

J- Well Kate wanted me to call you and tell you that the doctor said the baby will be here at 3.

C- Oh ok. Yet you still won't tell me the name?

J- Kate says no.

C- Ugh ok. See you at 3.

I hung up before I got up to try to look as decent as possible. As I was finishing my makeup, Taylor woke up. I told him where we were going and he got up to get dressed. I texted everyone and then called the group conversation 3 times. Soon I was putting Michael in his carseat and we were pulling out of the driveway.

We got to the hospital at about 2:45 and we were the first ones. Everyone else got there a couple minutes later. Michael was still asleep but he was wearing a t-shirt and shorts so he looked decent. At 3:10 the nurse came out and said that Kate wanted Taylor and I to go back first. I left Michael with my brother so I could hold the baby. I walked in the room and saw Kate laying on the bed holding the baby.

"Will you tell me the name now?" I asked and she nodded.

"His name is Christopher Lee Johnson" she said and I smiled.

"That's so cute. Matt will love it" I said and we both laughed.

"Do you want to hold him?" she asked and I nodded. I walked over to her and took Chris from her. He was a little bit bigger than Michael was but not much. He looked a lot like Matt.

"Aw. He's adorable" Taylor said.

"Yeah" I agreed.

"I have to wait 9 months to see him and then I have to sign a ton of papers before I can hold him. Ridiculous" JJ says coming in. Taylor agreed and Kate and I laughed.

"Hey you don't know how we feel. They are attached to you for 9 months and then laid directly on your chest" Taylor said and we laughed even more.

"Um I still have my kid laying on my chest. Pretty much whenever he is tired" I said. I gave Chris to JJ and then we left so Michael could go back to bed and everyone else could see him.

The next day Kate and JJ came home and they stayed inside all day. We all had a meeting at our house while Michael slept and decided that we weren't going to tour anymore. It might be a little too crazy with a 2 year old and a baby. Even though we decided to stop touring, we stayed friends and our kids became good friends too. We figured we would all start touring when we were ready. That was the end of our tour life.

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