Chapter 9. Oh. My. Gosh.

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Cam's POV

I went in the main room to find everyone in there. They looked up and me and everyone came running to me.

"Cam, do you know where Cara is?" Shawn asked after getting everyone to hush

"Yeah she is in my room" I know i promised I wouldn't tell but I'm about to lecture them so much right now. Everyone started to walk towards my room "Hey get back here and sit" I commanded pointing at the couch. When they were all seated I started talking. "You guys really hurt her. She is not only a little frustrated with you all but she is mad at herself. I know Cara and Jack, Taylor, Kate, Mel you can back me up on this: she needs her space right now. Ok?"

My phone buzzed and it was a text from Ari

The starbucks grande- C wants to go to starbucks. Can you get everyone in their rooms?

"OK guys lets just have another family movie night. Cara won't be there though, she wants to go somewhere. She's gonna come out and walk out the door so everyone go to your rooms and get ready for bed. When she comes back tonight let her talk to you guys first unless I say differentely. Give her some space ok? Oh and Kate, Mel, Ari told me to get Cara's stuff and bring it to our room" I couldn't look at the girls. I already know their expressions. They walk to their room without another word.

Kate's POV

When I got to mine and Mel's room I grabbed Cara's stuff and made sure every thing she needed was in her bag while Mel got her bathroom stuff. As I put stuff in her bag I started thinking. I know Cam's right I just wish he wasn't. I want to talk to my best friend and be there for her like she is for me. This just isn't fair. I want to go out but Cam would never let me. He'd think I was following Cara.

"I know I wish I could be there for her too. You should stay here with us and take your mind off of it. Cam is just doing what he thinks would be best for us" she said trying to make me feel better "Now come give your big sister a hug"

I guess I'll stay. And who knows? maybe I'll get to cuddle with JJ tonight. I started thinking about how nice that would be when a knock a the door interuppted my thoughts. I open the door to see Cameron standing there.

"I need her bag" he says

"Ok" I said handing him her bag. He takes it, puts it on the ground, and hugs me.

"I heard you talking to Mel. She loves you very much and she feels bad but we don't want that to turn toward everyone else and then she won't talk to us right? And with JJ. He loves you he just doesn't know how to show it"

"Thanks cam"

Cara's POV

What's taking Cam so long? I need my bag. To pass the time I lay on my bed and go through twitter. None of the fans know what has happened yet and I don't plan on telling them. Finally Cam walks in and hands me my bag.

"Thanks" I say.

I open my bag to find all my clothes in there. I do the usual and put my bathroom stuff in the bathroom and put my clothes laid out in a line above my shorts.

When I get to the bottom of my bag I see an outfit in a large ziplock bag (picture). I took everything out of the bag. At the bottom I saw a picture of 3 girls that looked like they were maybe 5. They had red lipstick on and it was a prehistoric selfie. It took me a minute but then I realized that the girl with the blonde streak was Kate and the one with dark brown hair was me. The other girl was our best friend Sofia. I haven't seen her in a while. On the back there was a note. It said: Our first selfie together! I've been saving this! Just btw the one with the blonde streak is me, the one with dark hair is you, and the other one is Sofia! I thought you might want to wear this outfit. It's your late bday present. I was looking for the right thing and the right time to give it to you<3 Kate

I smiled and put on the outfit. Then I walked out into the main room and grabbed my pennyboard from the pennyboard rack and walked outside. Before I left, I took a selfie infront of the building and texted her saying Starbucks here I come ;)

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