Ch. 18

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Cara's POV

I woke up when there was a little turbulence but decided to go back to sleep because taylor was asleep on my head. Then I woke up when the flight attendant said she was just about to announce we would be landing soon. I was a little nervous because for me the scariest part is when we touch down.

"So how did you sleep?" Taylor asked.

"Great how about you?"

"I can't complain" he replied kissing the top of my head.

"Kellie texted me a selfie of her, Bryn, and Briggs saying they will be 15 minutes late but it looks like they got better sleep than both of us combined" he said and I giggled a little.

"I can't wait to meet Briggs" I said. I love kids. I used to babysit all the time and there was one family that had a 5 year old, a 3 year old, and a 6 month old and it was hard at first but soon it got easier cause they got to know me and liked me a lot.

"I can't want to see them. It's been forever since I saw them" he said.

Then the intercom came on "we have now landed, you may unbuckle and get your carry ons out of the over head compartment"

"Wait we landed? I didn't even notice" I said with a sigh of relief as taylor grabbed our carry ons.

"Yep. Come on. Kellie texted me saying they just landed" taylor said sounded rushed.

"Taylor babe we are going to make it" I said.

"I know but I want to help her as soon as possible. Traveling with a 3 year old and a baby is not easy" he said.

"I know" I replied.

We were going to meet up with them and then go to baggage claim so we went straight to their gate. After looking for them for a couple seconds I heard a little voice say my name and I look and see Brynley running toward me.

"Hey baby" I said "how's my girl?"

"Good" she says.

"Come on let's help your mommy" I said putting her down.


"Hi Kellie"

"Cara" she says excited "this is such a surprise! I would hug you but"

"Yeah I understand" I replied reaching for brynleys bag "here I'll take that for you"

"Wouldn't you rather take this" Kellie says referring to the baby carrier.

"Really?" I said excited.

"Please" she said as I took the carrier.

"Awe he's adorable!" I cooed.

"We can take Brynley and Briggs to the baggage claim with us if you'd like. We only have these backpacks and our bags" taylor offered.

"That would be wonderful" she accepted.

"I'll take their backpacks too" I said "they would probably fit in our anyways" I said putting Bryn's backpack in mine and Brigg's in Taylor's.

"Cara thank you so much!"

"Of course! We will meet you at your baggage claim" I said.

"Ok! See you there" she said.

"Alright" taylor said carrying Brynley "to baggage claim" he said pointing towards it.

"To baggage plain" Brynley said making taylor and I laugh and Briggs giggle.

"Is that funny?" I asked him with a smile as he giggled more. After a little while of walking Briggs started crying. So we stopped and I set the carrier down. As I took him out of his carrier I said things like "shush don't cry briggsie" and other stuff like that I kind of regret saying. After I took him out he stopped crying and taylor took to carrier so I could carry Briggs. if there is anything I love more than babies it's carrying babies. I mean I get to entertain them and you can see them better. I played with him while we walked until taylor told me we were there.
I started to put Briggs down when taylor offered to get the bags so I could play with them. I said ok and kissed taylor then he put Brynley down and I took her hand and lead her to a bench to wait for taylor.

"Um excuse me but I just think it's amazing that 2 teenagers traveled with their 2 babies on a plane" an old lady said.

"Oh they aren't ours" I replied.

"they are my-"

"God children" taylor said coming up to us with the bags "they are my sisters kids and she chose us to be the god parents"

"Oh ok" she replied "well they are very adorable"

"Thank you" taylor and I said at the same time as she walked away.

"You know" taylor said "we could probably raise a kid together"

"Well one day I hope to" I said as we walked to Kellie's baggage claim. I had Briggs back in his carrier asleep pulling my bag and taylor was carrying Brynley and pulling his bag.

"There she is" taylor said nodding his head toward Kellie.

"Alright let's go" Kellie said as we starting walking to meet Mr. Kevin.

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