Ch. 37 (a year and a half later)

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Cara's POV

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Michael. Happy birthday to you" Everyone sang. It was Michael's 2nd birthday and we were at a Magcon event. I felt kind of bad but Michael didn't seem to mind.

"Mommy!" He said running up to me.

"Hey buddy!" I said picking him up. He was out of breathe from running so he sound like this.

"Mommy, *breathe* Uncle Cam and Uncle Jack *breathe* and Uncle Shawn and JJ *breathe* and Daddy said *breathe* we can get *breathe* cake after *breathe* magcon" He said and then he's breathing went back ok normal.

"Um, we'll see" I said looking over at Taylor and Jack.

"HAASSSS" Michael yelled and nearly jumped out of my arms. I put him down and watched him run to Hayes. Then I walked over to where Cam, Jack, Shawn, Taylor, and JJ were standing.

"Promising a 2-year-old cake?" I ask and they all look at me.

"Come on Cara. It's his birthday!" Jack said. I sighed. I really didn't like when he let Michael do stuff or promised him things without checking with me. I know he's just trying to be a cool uncle but he's not responsible.

We went to the meet and greet and Michael stood on a chair like always. We had taken a couple pictures when Jack comes over because a girl asks for a picture with both of us. After we take the picture, Jack and I are hugging her when Michael notices someone.

"Lauly! Aunt Molly!" Michael said and I looked over to see both of my sisters are next in line. I run and jump into Molly's arms. She was looking for an apartment the last time we came to visit so I haven't seen her in a year. After a long, tight hug, I jumped down and hugged Laura.

"Hey! I wanna hug Lauly and Aunt Molly!" Michael said and Molly ran to pick him up. After the nice family reunion we decided to go to the rooms. Taylor and I had planned to have our wedding in 2 months and I couldn't wait to show Molly and Laura the plans.

Molly, Laura, and I took Michael to my room and Taylor went with the other guys. We put Michael down for a nap and he slept through us going over the plans.

"Wait. Do you have a dress?" Molly asked and I shook my head.

"I didn't want to go dress shopping without you. Plus, I have no idea where we are going to keep it because Taylor can't see it until I'm walking down the aisle with Daddy." I said and Laura smirked.

"Mom told us to bring an extra suit case so we could take the dress home with us until we fly to Hawaii" she said and I smiled.

"Ok. When are we going shopping?" I asked.

"We could go while everyone is at the pool. You could ask the other girls to go and leave the guys in charge of Michael" Molly said and I nodded. I went to Kate's room and found all the girls but Mel and Sofia. I told them about it and they all agreed to go. Then I went to Cam and Nash's room. As I got closer, I heard the guys being really loud. I walked in and motioned Mel and Sofia to come out to the hall. They agreed too and I brought Michael to the boys before telling them we were going shopping.

Taylor's POV

Cara brought Michael to me and told us they were going shopping. I nodded and kissed her goodbye. When I turned around all the guys were smirking at me.

"What?" I asked laying a sleeping Michael down on the bed.

"You know where she is going right?" Matt asked.

"Yes. She is going shopping" I said and they all looked at each other.

"Well they were just looking at the wedding plans. Now where do you think they are going?" Carter asked trying to explain it. A smirk spread across my face and we all nodded.

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