Chapter 11. My old best friend

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Guys this is really long. Brace yourself

Cara's POV

"So are you and Jack still like best friends?" Sofia says. Kate, Sofia, and I are all getting ready in the bathroom at our own sinks. I rest my hand on the counter.

"No not really. We kind of stopped hanging out after you moved. Kate, Mel, and I were together all the time. Then when I had to go with Jack to Magcon one time I met Taylor. We both had crushes on each other and then he kissed me and asked me out. Ever since then I've been coming to these. Then Kate's brother became a part of the group and Kate started coming too. So to answer your question, it's been a while since we hung out"

"But what about those pictures you post with him?" she says putting on mascara

"Well we are friends when we wanna watch the same movie, have a family day, or go run errands but we aren't like we used to be"

My phone screen lit up. It was a text from Jack. "Speak of the devil" I said jokingly

Bubba- Are y'all almost ready? We want to go get breakfast.

I unlocked my phone. That was the first text either one of us had sent in 6 months that wasn't where are you or I'm taking you home or Mom called it's time to go.

To Bubba- Yep. Just finishing makeup

From Bubba- Remember this *picture* It was a picture of Jack and I when I was a baby and he was 2. Jack was watching tv and holding the pacifer in my mouth while I laid half on him, half on the couch. My mom has a video where she asked Jack if she could hold me and he said no. My mom says from that day on we were best friends and that's true. Until we turned 15 and 13 and that's when Sofia moved away.

"Are you ok Cara?" Kate asked

"What huh yeah I'm ok. Why?" I said

"A tear rolled down your cheek"

"Oh it's nothing. Just this" I showed her the picture and she hugged me.

"Hey we gotta go" Jack said barging in. Instead of getting mad, I ran up and hugged him.

"What's this for" He asked

"I miss you" I said

"I miss you too baby sister" He said and we both smiled at each other. He used to call me that all the time even in the hallways in middle school.


We heard a camera click and we looked over at Kate.

"Sorry I thought my phone was on silent" she said

"Ha ha it's cool" Jack said

As we were walking out of our room I whispered in Kate's ear "Send that to me"


Cam was telling everyone which car to go in when Jack pulls me aside.

"Wanna go to the beach? Just you and me." He asks

"Jack I would but what about everyone else and Sofia and Taylor" I said "Plus Cam would tell everyone if i tried to go back inside to get my bathing suit"

"Simple solution to this" He said "Sofia would be ok with hanging out with the Omaha people while we bonded if you asked her, go kiss Taylor, tell him you love him and that you are going with me, then you and I will act like we are taking my car to meet them there and you say you forgot something in the room go get your stuff and we go to the beach"

"Jack, Cam will want to know where we are"

"Then instead of going to get something say you are getting an advil because you have a headache and I'll tell cam we are just going to stay here and boom we go to the beach"

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