Ch. 21

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Cara's POV
The next morning I woke up in Taylor's arms and I feel like I am about to throw up. I unwrap myself from Taylor and run to the bathroom to throw up. I feel someone come and pull my hair back. Once I'm done I sit down and taylor sits behind me and hugs me.

"I'll be right back" he says and comes back with a pregnancy test "here. Just in case. I recommend doing to now before anyone gets home"

"Ok" I say taking it from him "get out"

Once I take it I out it on the counter and walk back out to taylor. We set a timer for five minutes and we sit and wait on his bed in silence. Finally the timer goes off and we get up to go look. Once we are right outside the bathroom he grabs my hand. I look at the test and it says pregnant.

"Maybe we should try 2 other ones just in case" I stutter.

"K" he replies and goes to get them.

I take those and we wait for another five minutes. I walk in there and I just stare at them. Finally taylor comes in and sees that all 3 are positive and he hugs me and lets me cry on his shoulder.

Once I calm down we put them in a zip lock bag and put it in my bag so no one would find them. We go and sit on his bed and he holds me in his arms.

"How do you think everyone will react?" I ask.

"Everyone will react differently but the people that really love us will support us"

"Can we tell Kellie when she gets home but wait to tell you dad and Ms. Kelli until the day we leave?" I ask.

"Of course babe" he says.

"I wanna tell everyone in person, except my mom" I say.

"Ok" he says "well that interview is coming in handy now isn't it"

"Yeah" I say with a smile.

"I'm home!" We hear someone yell downstairs "taylor! Cara! Can you help me with the babies?"

"We're coming Kellie!" I yell as I get up so taylor can get up.

We walk downstairs and I get Briggs out of the car and taylor gets a sleeping Brynn. I notice Briggs is sleeping so when we get inside I take him out of his carrier and up to his bed and taylor puts Bryn in Kellie's bed.

"Are you guys ok? You seem different" Kellie asks.

"Yeah we're fine" taylor replies.

"Actually can we talk to you in Taylor's room?" I ask.

"Of course" she says and walks to his room with us.

"Ok so what's wrong? Did you break up? Are you getting hate? Did something happen last night?" Kellie asks concerned.

"Well last night we left the party early and we can back here. And things happened and I woke up this morning and I immediately ran to the bathroom to throw up. Well after that we took 3 pregnancy tests and they were all positive" I explain tearing up at the end.

"Oh babies" Kellie says running up to hug us "It's ok I'm going help you through it and I know dad and Kelli will too. I wish I knew your parents enough to say they would but all I know is jack definitely will"

"Ok thanks kell" taylor says.

"Of course" she says smiling at us "I'm gonna be an aunt"

"Wait Kellie" I say and she turns around "please don't tell Mr. Kevin and Ms. Kelli. We don't want to tell them until the day before we leave"

"Ok" she says "I promise"

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