Ch. 24

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Cara's POV

"WAKE UP" I hear cam yelling next door waking not only Shawn but taylor and I and then Briggs starts crying.

"I'll go yell at Cameron you calm him down" taylor says as he storms out of the room.

"Don't stomp you'll wake up the poor people below us" I say as taylor starts walking normally. As I rock Briggs to calm him down I listen to the guys talking.

"Dude you woke up Briggs. Now cara is in there trying to calm him down" taylor said.

"I told you it would wake him up Cameron!" Carter said.

I texted taylor and told him not to let anyone come in here.

"I'll go talk to her" my brother says then I hear a ding.

"No don't she's trying to take care of Briggs" taylor says.

"Ok" the guys say and taylor comes back in our room.

"I'm gonna get ready for the event. Just a tip check his diaper" taylor says.

"K thanks" I say and get out his diaper bag. I really did not want to do this part. I'm not good at it and he takes care of Briggs and he used to take care of tristan all the time. So I stomped my foot making a loud thud.

"Taylor help" I said pretending to cry and taylor runs out of the bathroom shirtless.

"What? What's wrong?" He says.

"I'm not good at this I don't wanna do it" I say and he relaxes and walks over to help me.

"Ok you know how to take a diaper off right?" He asked.
"Yeah" I said taking his diaper off but taylor stops me.

"Always have 2 diapers out" he says.

"Oh yeah" I say and get the second one out. I change his diaper with taylor watching me just to make sure I do everything right. Once I was done I pick Briggs up and lay him on a blanket on the ground.

"See it's not that hard" he says and I stand up and hug him.

"You're right" I say before kissing him. He goes and finishes getting ready while I watch Briggs and then we switch. Once I'm done I come out of the bathroom and see taylor feeding Briggs.

"Wanna go get breakfast? Watching Briggs eat is making me hungry" he says.
"Yeah let's let Briggs finish and then we will go"

Once he finishes we go and get breakfast but we bring it back to the room. After we finish eating I get the stuff Briggs might need while we are at the event and then Shawn comes in and asks if we are ready to go. We all leave and we are walking toward the elevator when I realize something.

"What's everyone gonna do when they see Briggs?" I ask and everyone turns to look at me.

"Well we could go the back way so no one sees him" my brother suggests and we decided to go that way. Once we get backstage we go in the break room and set up some stuff for Briggs.

Everyone is called on stage and I stay behind on the couch with Briggs. Soon I hear taylor talking on the mic.

"Ok so we kind of have an announcement" he says and kate runs off stage to hold Briggs for me
"Cara will you come up here?" He says as I walk on stage.

"K no sugar coating" I said.

"Well surprise cara is pregnant and because of that we are watching our godson Briggs for the week. And I'd like to say we are doing a decent job. K but if I see any hate I'm never coming on stage again. My family comes first" taylor says as kate brings Briggs on stage. I'm standing there in shock before I finally run off stage and into the break room.

"Cara? Where are you?" Taylor says then he finally sees me "cara baby what's wrong?" He says sitting down and wrapping his arms around me.

"I don't know I guess it just made it real for me when you announced it." I said.

"I know baby" he said "come on let's go back out"

Skip to after meet and greet

We went back up to the room to put Briggs down for a nap. Taylor offered to do everything so I just sat back and watched. Taylor put the bottle in the microwave when I realized we never scheduled a doctors appointment.

"Babe don't we have to schedule a doctors appointment" I asked

"Yeah but you wait until you are 10 weeks to go. I already scheduled it because we will be in Nashville then" he says.

"Ok" I say and he brings the bottle over to where I am holding Briggs. "Check the temperature on your hand" I remind him and he does before handing me the bottle to feed Briggs. Once he finishes we put him down for a nap before taylor says "do you want to go out on a date?"

"Um taylor I would love to but what about Briggs?"

"We could see if Sofia will watch him for a little while" he says.

"Alright I'll text her. What time are we leaving?"

"How about 7?"

"Ok" I text Sofia and get an immediate response "she'll do it"

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise"

"Ugh ok casual or fancy"


"So would magcon merch be ok?"

"You bet"

"Ok. Imma get ready"

"Alright I'll be here with Briggs"

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