Memory Lane

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***Elik's POV***

Essentially, I lied.

I told Dek I couldn't come to lunch.

The truth is, I was embarrassed for him to see me in such a state. Jamison and I got into yet another heated argument. Everything I say, he combats.

Who owns this fucking company anyway?

Oh, yeah. That would be this guy.

He thinks I don't know that the resistance has nothing to do with business. I'm neither naive nor blind.

I can't state that I actually believe Jamie wants Dek. Maybe he does. But, I have a sneaking suspicion that he hates what Dek and I have.


He seems the type to enjoy taking his own misery out on others.

Either way, I am taking a late lunch. Alone.

I drive to the mall to window shop. Shopping isn't necessarily my forte. However, it has to be better than spending lunch with Jamie. Or worse, upsetting my love. I can't show Dek how much Jamie effects me. It's stupid really.

Two grown men stay at each other's throats. Better yet, one of them already knows he has nothing to worry about. That one, being me. Dek loves me. I love him. Simple.

I search thru the stores aimlessly. I browse the books, clothes, shoes and even electronics. I grab a large coffee and sip it as I walk thru the stores.

After an hour of literally wasting time, I head back out. I stop by the jewelry store that is tucked in the center of a Victoria's Secret and a Bath and Body Works. How convenient.

I lazily gaze at the beautiful craftsmanship of each individual piece. They all look similar, but you can see a slight difference in each one. There aren't a lot of pieces. It kinda makes you wonder how it stays open in a large commercial shopping center.

Nothing catches my eye on the way of my expectations. I'm not ready to propose to Dek today. Soon. Very soon.

I already know he is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. That is just the plain facts.

I have been thinking seriously of asking for his hand. But, with the Jamie issue, I think I might come off as possessive or spiteful. That's not me.

Dek is one of a kind. I want him to know that. I need him to see the purity in my request for his partnership in this life. The black cloud known as a Jamie doesn't deserve a character in our story of forever.

While mindlessly looking thru the jewelry, I am approached by a small man. He looks to be in his early thirties. He wears his wire rimmed glasses like the father on Beauty and The Beast. He is actually quite attractive.

He walks towards me while wipe the sweat from his brows with a white cloth. He adjusts his spectacles before smiling a small grin towards me. I return his smile. He looks like he has had better days.

Haven't we all?

"Good afternoon. Welcome to LaShae's." The adorable nerd states.

"What brings you in today?" He continues.

"Just browsing." I speak softly. He looks more fragile than a Christmas tree ornament made of spun glass.

"Anything in particular?" The man requests.

"My boyfriend and I are pretty serious. I thought I could start shopping." I explain.

"I'm Marcus. Tell me about your guy. I can read people pretty well." Marcus smiles widely towards me. This time it comes off more genuine.

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