Chapter 10

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The tour was so painful. Ryan kept flirting with her and I just stood there awkwardly. She would do that whole really cute sweet giggling thing to everything he said and it drove me crazy. Then at the end of the tour she decided to take Ryan to class first, and I found that very strange. I thought she would take me to class so they could suck faces but I guess not.
"Bye Abby hope to see you around" Ryan said giving her a wink.
"I sure hope we run into each other somewhere" she replied attempting to flirt back.
Once Ryan entered the class and shut the door we were alone. The hall way was so quiet. You probably could hear a pin drop. Though Abby had to ruin the sweet silence with her big mouth.

"Let's get to class before the janitor comes to pick up the trash someone dropped" she said trying to make me feel bad. I just looked at her and laughed. As we walked along the long hallway I said nothing. I rather not start anything to big on my first day.
Especially with a Barbie like Abby.

"Well here's the hell hole good luck fitting in, and I truly mean it you need the luck" she said with a ugly smirk across her face.

I slowly open the heavy door and peeked my head in. Everyone was hard at work. Their heads were down working intently on what ever assignment they were doing. Then one familiar face popped up. It was Hayes. He flashed that gorgeous smile at me and I looked away. I can't look at him with out smiling and falling more in love with him.

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