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Summer break was the worst. It made returning back to school so much harder. You'd get so used to spending everyday at the beach, or on long drives, that you forget school was even a factor in your life. But, slowly, the back-to-school ads would appear, your parents start buying school lunch items, and it dawns on you. But school wasn't so bad for Callie. She was getting good grades, but had a life. Friends with the jocks, was a cheerleader, and always looked forward to school. Although, the cheerleader stereotype made it harder for her to be likeable. Everyone had watched too many movies to see past her Bridgeton Bulldogs uniform.

"Are you ready for school, Cal?" Her mom cheered from behind her bedroom door. She'd opened it slightly, handing Callie her cheer uniform. She loved the dark green colour, which luckily suited her. As she fixed her hair and makeup, she continued to glance at her uniform in excitement.

"With 10 minutes spare! I win." Callie chanted, turning to Conan, her brother. He rolled his eyes, grabbing his lunch and his bag.

"Senior year, Co! Are you excited?" Their mom asked, opening the door for them.

"I'm only excited for football." He joked, opening the car door.

As Callie drove away, they both waved goodbye to their mom. Their dad always leaves before they wake up, but they see him in the afternoon. The drive to school wasn't long, it was close enough to skate to. Which was Conan's mode of transport before Callie got a car. But now it was school; which meant pressure for grades, for cheer, and friends.

"Callie!" Her friends cheered, meeting her in the gymnasium. They had an assembly to welcome them to their Junior Year of High school. As they sat down, the principal began to speak. She scoured the many faces of students to see anyone who's had a recognisable change. And she'd seen two students sitting on the front bench.

"Who are they?" She whispered to Delilah, her best friend. They'd been friends since elementary and had begged to attend the same middle and high school, which they'd fortunately won.

"I'm not sure, but they look hot." Delilah replied. Callie had quickly stopped talking before anyone had noticed, and managed to sit through assembly without falling asleep. God, these were boring.

As the assembly was dismissed, Callie was held up by the principal. She stopped walking with her friends and promised to meet them elsewhere, after class had finished. She approached the principal, who was waiting beside the two boys. And now she was closer to them, they looked like.. twins?

"Miss Campbell, these are two new students in Junior year. And as you know the school better than most, I'd like you to give them a tour. And introduce them to activities or clubs they might enjoy." He explained.

"Yes, sir." She smiled, looking over at the boys. Same sort of hair, one taller than the other, defined jaws. The taller one looked shy and timid. Maybe the shorter one is the more confident twin? She watched the principal walk away and the remaining staff leave the gymnasium.

"I'm Callie, and welcome to Bridgeton High!"

live a little - g.d [BOOK 1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now