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After telling Ethan she was stealing his brother for the rest of the day, she met his outside his English class before lunch. She smiled at him as he spotted her outside the door.

"Hey, Gray!" She exclaimed. "We are having lunch together, you can choose where. And then we are spending the last two periods together." He smiled at her, walking towards his locker. He'd shoved his books inside, shutting it and following her. They'd walked out to her car, both of them deciding where to eat.

"Chipotle sounds good right now."

So they'd gotten their food and ate in the car, it was an awkward silence at first.

"So, why'd you move to Bridgeton?" She asked. She feared she was being too invasive, but she wanted to get to know him. "You don't have to answer if you don't want. It's just a question."

"We're originally from a whole different part of New Jersey, and my mom wanted to leave town so badly. She just couldn't stay in the house anymore." He started. "And her friend, who lives in Bridgeton, told her about a house opening up. So we moved."

"Well, Bridgeton is a nice place. Contrary to stereotypes, everyone at school is so nice. The jocks aren't douchebags, the cheerleaders aren't assholes, everyone gets along with everyone." She replied. "I think you'll love it here." She smiled, just as he did at her.

"So, now lunch is finished, what do you wanna do?" She asked, driving out of the parking lot. "I do need to get back to school before it ends, because I need to pick my brother up."

"You have a brother?" He asked. This was the first time he'd started a conversation.

"Yeah, he's a senior. Some of the seniors are dicks, but having an older brother has its perks." She informed him. This had led to a whole other conversation, about the school clubs and activities and people at the school. And they'd spent the remaining time getting to know each other, they'd driven around Bridgeton and she'd finally taken him to a place she'd grown to like.

"I remember when I first moved here, I was like 10. I hated that we moved away, so I was walking around town. And I found this." She spoke. They'd climbed up a set of rocks, and onto the roof of a small unused building just off the road from her own. It was surrounded by trees, benches, petals everywhere. The area had been locked, so she'd climbed over a fence to get in. "But now I just come here to clear my head, sometimes I get a good view of the stars from my room but it's always better here."

Grayson smiled to himself, he was enjoying her company. The only friend he'd ever known was Ethan, so having Callie was different.

live a little - g.d [BOOK 1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now