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She'd had so much to drink that she was now seeing double. She'd held onto the metal railing by the steps, leaning against it. She could barely hold her own weight up, so she chose to sit down. And Marco had followed suit. He sat next to her, equally as drunk, and laid his head on her shoulder.

"Is anyone else seeing stars?" He slurred.

"It's night time, you idiot. Of course we can." Callie mumbled back, falling over her words. She'd pushed his head up to look at him, his eyes half closed. She giggled at his facial expressions and pulled him up to dance. Pushing past a few bodies, they both got closer to the speaker. And chose an awful dance move.

The night had carried on, until the designated driver, Delilah, had decided to wrap it up. She was taking Marco, Conan, and Callie home. The rest were in charge of themselves. Delilah had successfully gotten the three drunks into Callie's car, driving them home. And from there, she'd gotten them inside. Conan had collapsed onto the couch, both Marco and Callie making it upstairs. From there, Delilah left their house and got into her own car. She blessed Callie's organisation skills, as she had her junior friends who were willing to collect the blankets, lights, drinks, and the cameras.


Callie had woken up with a minor headache, Marco's arm almost crushing her stomach and barely any recollection of last night. All she remembered was dancing, drinking, and Grayson. She'd stood up, stretching her limbs and looking at her phone. 3.47pm. Fuck. She felt disgusting though, so she needed a shower. As she entered the bathroom, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her hair was a mess, her mascara was smudged all over her face, and she was still in her bikini. The warm water was now her saviour, washing the sand, dirt and mess from her body, restoring her back to the fresh, clean person she'd been before. She'd gotten out, wrapping a towel around herself and finding something comfortable to wear. Shorts and a hoodie seemed like a dream. Before she'd gotten back into bed, she'd gone to check on Marco and Conan. Both still asleep in bed.

She had left a few painkillers on their bedsides, as well as a bottle of water. Finally returning to bed, she was awake now. She couldn't sleep any longer, so she'd decided to go for a drive. To get some air and have a think about last night.

live a little - g.d [BOOK 1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now