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It was Monday morning, and not only did she have to deal with Conan, she also had to deal with Grayson at school. Marco had stayed another night, courtesy of her mom, due to how distressed Callie was.

Callie had woken up earlier than needed, which meant they could have a nice breakfast. She'd woken up before Marco, going downstairs to make a nice breakfast. She'd made acai bowls and some milkshakes, bringing them up to her balcony. She'd laid a blanket down, setting the food out nicely. And they enjoyed their nice breakfast before getting ready for school.

She didn't feel ready for today, usually Monday's were the easiest day. As Marco was showering, Callie was drying her hair. Her mom had knocked at the door, bringing her cheer uniform in. She smiled at her daughter, sitting on the desk chair beside her vanity.

"I've spoken to Conan, he seems better. He's just hurt that you didn't tell him first. And he's worried about being left out." Her mom explained. Callie nodded, the guilt eating her alive. As her mom left, Marco had come out of the bathroom.

"I know I won't see you much today, but I'm always a text away." Marco spoke, finding his clothes. She'd entered the bathroom to get dressed, sighing in defeat. Today, as well as the rest of the week, will be hard. She didn't need anything else on top of her right now.

Callie got in her car with Marco, waiting for Conan. "I'm sure he'll be out soon."

And as if on cue, he left the door. Skateboard in hand. Callie looked confused, seeing him skate off. She huffed, starting her car and driving to school. She felt like laying in her room, alone, listening to Frank Ocean until she falls asleep. The sun hit her face, and she remembered this time last year, driving to school with her friends, with the sun hitting her, not having to worry about boys, or her brother. Marco had a hold of Callie's hand as they entered the school parking lot.

They'd gotten out of the car, Marco pressing a kiss to her temple. "I'll see you at lunch."

She walked away and managed to find Delilah by the lockers. Embracing her best friend, she followed her down the hallway. She spotted Grayson and Ethan, with a girl, who was presumably the girl from the night of Jackson's party. She sighed and looked away; it still hurt because Grayson was her boyfriend and she had feelings for him. But he cheated.

live a little - g.d [BOOK 1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now