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She'd finished her stay at Marco's for a few days, as her parents needed her home to discuss something. Whatever this 'something' was, she was unaware of. She'd gotten in, got her usual glare from Conan, finally sitting in the living room with the rest of the family.

"I know recently it has been tough for you both," Their mom started. "With us arguing and screaming everyday, I imagine it isn't pleasant. I can understand why you left, sweetheart." She referenced to Callie.

"Where is this going?" Conan asked, impatiently.

"Your dad and I have decided to split apart." She spoke. Callie choked on her own breathe, Conan sitting up in shock too.

"I'm sorry that it might be upsetting for you both, but it will be better for us all. There will be no more arguing, no fighting." Her dad chimed in.

"Where will you go, dad?" Conan sniffled.

Their dad turned his head towards his lap. "I will be at an apartment. I've had it for a few years, it was our apartment for when we visited your grandparents."

Callie couldn't comprehend how she felt at this time, she'd stood up and left the living room. She felt as if her life was collapsing on top of her. She'd gone upstairs, hearing her phone ringing. She grew angry, snatching her phone from her pocket and answering it.

"What do you want!" She exploded, feeling no remorse for whoever was on the other end of the line. She paused, regret slowly sinking in.

"Are you okay, Cal?" Grayson asked.

"Why are you calling Grayson?" She quizzed, sitting on her bed in exhaustion.

"I was going to ask if we could meet." He declared. "I just want to speak to you."

Wanting to get out of the house, she jumped at the chance. "Okay, I'll meet you at the roof."

She'd immediately left, ignoring the calls from her mom and dad. She'd taken a slow walk to the roof, the warm sun heating up her face as she strolled down the road. It was only a few minutes before she arrived at the fence, climbing over the small rocks and pulled herself onto the roof beside Grayson. He looked lost. He had turned to her, analysing her tear stained face. "Have you been crying?"

"I've had a rough week." Callie stated. "My brother won't speak to me, Marco's been constantly on my ass about making sure I'm okay, my parent's are divorcing, and you. This whole week I've had to deal with looking at you, seeing you giggling and laughing with your girlfriend. Knowing you cheated and it isn't affecting you. Grayson, I've been hurt so incredibly bad by you and by everything that has happened. I need a break."

"I'm sorry this ever happened." Grayson apologised. "I never meant any harm."

"But it happened."

live a little - g.d [BOOK 1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now