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It was now Sunday night, they'd spent the whole weekend together. They'd spent some time with Conan too, so it didn't look suspicious. And now, they were on her bed doing homework. Callie looked up at Marco, who was focused on his Social Studies assignment. "We need to decide where to go from here."

Marco looked up, debating the pros and cons in his head. "I don't want anything to happen between you, me, and Conan. I know how he reacts with this stuff, and I don't think I could put you through that."

"At times, I think he needs to stop being a wimp about it. These things are going to happen, it's just a matter of when." Callie explained. "I think we should do it." Marco sighed, his cheeks tinging pink from excitement. He'd brought her into a kiss, pulling away after a few seconds.

"I need to speak to my mom, I'll be back." Callie whispered, leaving her room and dashing downstairs. She'd met her mom in the livingroom, watching her daytime TV. She'd sat beside her mom, quite nervous for her reaction.

"Mom. I know Conan is going to hate me, but I really like Marco." She admitted. Her mom squealed, pausing her show.

"Conan is out with your father buying dinner, but I'll try and ask him what the problem would be during dinner." Her mom explained. "And then, you can find a way to tell him."

"Have you broken things off with Grayson?" She asked, standing up and entering the kitchen. Callie followed, sitting at the island. Whenever her mom was happy or excited, she baked. Hence, her making a business from her passion of baking. She'd gotten out her range of ingredients, handing Callie a batch of pre-made cookies and icing pens.

"I sent him a text yesterday. I thought that would be a shitty way to end it, but he kissed someone else. So ultimately, it didn't bother me." Callie explained. She'd followed the pictures from the book her mom had complied, which had a list of different themes and colours. As they continued talking, Marco came down.

"I finished my homework." He spoke, sitting beside Callie. "Can I help?"

"Sure, you can decorate the muffins." Her mom replied, handing him a tray of muffins, along with an assortment of decorations and frosting colours. As well as a completely different book. She blessed her so very organised mom. "So, Marco, are you not worried about the outcome of telling Conan?" He'd cleared his throat.

"I don't want to ruin Callie and Conan's bond, and I don't want to ruin my bond with him, but I think it's something he can get used to." Marco explained. Callie smiled at his altruism.

"You are the biggest sweetheart, Marco."

live a little - g.d [BOOK 1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now