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It was Tuesday morning and being a Junior hadn't kicked in yet. She'd spent almost 20 minutes finding something to wear. Wearing her cheer uniform was easy because no thought went into that. Whereas finding an outfit was difficult, she had so much to choose from. Jeans, a pretty top, and some trainers. After brushing her almost unmanageable brunette hair, she'd brushed her teeth and left her house. Conan was being picked up by his friends today, which meant a quiet car ride for Callie.

Speak of the devil, he was calling.

"Hey, Cal." He spoke. "I have a question."

"Go for it."

"Are you and your friends going to the beach party?" He asked.

Oh fuck! That was this weekend.

"Yeah, I completely forgot that was this weekend." She spoke.

The beach party was a tradition for Conan, Callie and all of their friends. The first weekend after summer break, they have a beach party as one final bit of fun before summer is officially over. She knew Delilah would want to go shopping with all of their friends, Conan would go over the 'rules' of not hooking up with his friends. Which Callie always stuck to because they felt like brothers to her. But she'd jokingly flirt with them just to grind his gears. Lots of music, drinking, and fun.

She'd parked at school, meeting Delilah by the doors. "I'm not ready for track today."

The bell rang for Home Room. Her, Delilah, and a few others had trotted off to their home rooms, getting registered and chatting with friends. She'd thought about asking the twins to the beach party, most juniors and seniors go anyway. She thought it'd be a nice way to let loose a bit. As the gathering was dismissed, she'd wandered the halls in search of Grayson or Ethan. She'd waited by Grayson's locker, finally seeing him quite a distance away.

"Gray!" She cheered. "I have a question." Grayson had opened his locker and Biology book. Well now she knew they were in the same class. He looked at her and smiled, following her to Biology. She'd waited until they'd gotten into the classroom to talk, sitting at the same desk. Callie never had a lab partner anyway, not since her ex had permanently left.

"So, what's the question?" He asked.

"Do you and Ethan want to come to a beach party this weekend?" She asked. "It's a tradition that we have, the first weekend after summer."

"I don't mind." He replied.

"Gray, do you want to go? If not, I don't mind missing out and hanging with you." She added.

"No, I'll go. Can't miss out on tradition." He joked. Hearing him laugh was different, a good different. Just before Callie tried to talk to him more about it, the class was silenced so that the lesson could begin.

live a little - g.d [BOOK 1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now