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They'd finished their mini party and were off to the beach, driving in separate cars. Callie had Delilah and a few cheer friends, whilst a senior had taken Marco and Conan. The drive to the beach wasn't too long, but when they arrived, they got straight to work. Conan was making the fire on the firepit, which was in the middle of the beach. Marco and another senior were placing the drinks in coolers and the spirits and soda on a table. The cheer squad was laying blankets and fairy lights everywhere for people to sit, but was filled with couples most of the time. Finally, Delilah and Callie were filling a bucket up with disposable cameras. They started this tradition last year, as Callie decided to make a massive photo album for the pictures people take. Each camera had a 'return to Callie or Conan' on it. And she'd get them all developed and put them in a photo album for the memories. Once everything was set up, all they needed to do was wait.

Grayson: We're heading down now, is that okay?

Callie: Yes, everything is set up and ready.

Callie sat with Delilah on the dry sand, right before the wet sand started. They each had a beer in their hand, talking and laughing to each other. Delilah had taken a photo of the both of them, placing the disposable camera beside her. "So, how's you and Grayson?"

"What do you mean?" Callie asked, confused.

"Well he seemed awfully concerned about who Marco was on Friday. He was asking me about him." Delilah started. "Are you sure nothing has happened between you and Grayson?"

"Yes, D. I don't even like him like that." Callie stated.

"Well this whole week you've been attached at the hip, always asking where the other one is, or walking together in the halls." Delilah explained.

Was she? She didn't think she was THAT attached to him?

"Oh, well I don't. I'm just helping him settle into the school."

Everyone had started to arrive, the music being set up by Conan and a few other seniors. Some of which had approached Callie and flirting with her, Conan angrily dismissing them.

"I don't see why you're so butthurt over them, there's some juniors who like you, but I don't tell them off." Callie pointed out. "In fact, I encourage it. Maybe you'd be a bit nicer."

"I'm going to kill you, Callie Mae." Conan shouted, chuckling as she ran off.

live a little - g.d [BOOK 1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now