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Today was the beach party, which Callie was more than excited for. She'd woken up early out of pure excitement, darting for the shower. Her and Marco fell asleep late last night watching Netflix, Marco forgetting to move to the guest room. Luckily, Conan knew nothing about it. Quickly undressing, she'd washed and cleaned herself in the warm water. She sighed in relief as she stepped out as she felt like she was boiling alive in there. Then there was a knock on the door. "Hello?"

"It's Marco, can I come in?" He asked, she'd quickly wrapped a towel around herself before opening the door, seeing him smiling cheekily at her. She'd let him through, quickly passing through herself to find something to wear whilst she got ready. She'd found some shorts and a shirt, throwing it on as Marco was in the shower. Just as she sat down at her vanity, her stomach was rumbling. Time for breakfast.

She'd met Conan in the kitchen, who was making omelettes. "Morning."

"Want some?" He asked, holding a plate up. Callie nodded, grabbing the plate and some cutlery. "Marco's in the shower right now but I'm sure he'll be down after."

"And we're rewatching The Office in my room, for like the millionth time." She added, grabbing a smoothie from the fridge and going upstairs. Marco was now out of the shower, digging through his bag to find some clothes. She couldn't deny that he was good looking, but she didn't want to go through the hassle from Conan and the months of being shut out again.

"Breakfast is downstairs." She stated, sitting at her vanity. He hummed and left the room once he was dressed, leaving Callie to get ready. She dealt with her hair before it had become a frizzy, curly mess. She'd straightened it, seeing it cascade past her shoulders and down her back. She'd always thought of cutting her hair, but both her and her mother loved her gorgeous, long hair. Next was her makeup, which she didn't want to be too heavy as she would be spending most of her night near the sea.

"Ready to watch the office?" Marco asked, sitting on her bed with the plate in his hand. Before she could answer, Conan was by the door.

"Keep an eye on the time because everyone will get here at 6ish, also, The Office? Again?" He questioned. Both Marco and Callie nodded, watching Conan leave. Callie felt like she was hiding a dirty secret every time Conan caught them both in a room, no matter what they were doing. But she distracted herself as she did her makeup, finally finishing with some gloss.

"Should I put my bikini on now? Or before we leave?" She asked, facing Marco.

"Now, I don't think we will have time later."

She disappeared into the bathroom for a few minutes, returning in her new red bikini. "How do I look?"

Marco's cheeks went red as he smiled. "Amazing, as always."

"Thank you." She responded, putting some shorts and a shirt on.

live a little - g.d [BOOK 1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now