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After Callie and Marco helped decorate the muffins and cookies, Callie had left the house as soon as Conan had gotten home. Her nerves were building up by the minute, she'd let Marco distract him as she'd gone for a run. To clear her head. The more time that passed, the more the situation with Grayson hurt her. She really liked him, she'd even dare to say she loved him. But all of that didn't matter, because he had kissed another girl. She'd mainly kept her head down because she knew the twins lived close, and Ethan was always out jogging.

To her dismay, she'd seen Ethan. Purposely trying to outrun him to avoid contact, she'd ended up being too slow and Ethan recognised her. "Hey, Callie." He chirped. She had no reason to be annoyed at him, he didn't hurt her.

"Hey, E." She replied with a dull tone. He could tell she was still upset from the party.

"How are things?" He asked.

"Good, Marco's been helping me through this mess." She uttered, looking up at him.

"I want to apologise on behalf of him. He's been a dick lately. Being on the team, the popularity, the girls, it's all new to him so it's getting to his head." Ethan spoke. "I don't know if you knew, but he brought a girl home. I thought he was drunk and it would be a regrettable decision the morning after, but he felt the exact same way."

Callie didn't know how to process this information. Not only did he kiss the girl, he took her home and slept with her, before he even slept with Callie. And felt the same way about the girl the next morning. Her head dropped, a tear escaping her eye. Ethan lifted her chin up with his finger.

"Don't let it get to you, Cal. You're a good girl, he's a douche." Ethan mentioned. "Go home, enjoy your night, relax, and spend time with Marco. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

They'd departed and Callie felt to weak to jog, so she walked the rest of the way home. Once she arrived, she'd sped upstairs and into her room. Holding her mouth to quieten the sobs, she sunk down against the door. Grayson was so sweet during the 4 months they'd been together, and all because she wouldn't stop her friendship with Marco. She'd understood that Marco's feelings created the problem, but they could've worked it out. Callie blamed herself for being too late with her decision, if she was any sooner this would have never happened. She stood up and got into bed, cradling herself as she cried.

live a little - g.d [BOOK 1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now