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Callie found herself in the bath again, without her TV blasting the FRIENDS theme tune. She was in silence with a few candles, and her notepad on her bath tray. She'd been there for so long that she was pruning. But she'd almost finished her list.


Easier to be with due to Conan

I really like him

He's everything I want in a guy

Makes me happy

But I don't want to lose my best friend by dating him


He's everything I like in a guy

Makes me happy

I've known him for longer

But I don't want to ruin our friendship by dating Grayson

She sighed, closing her eyes in defeat. A tear had fallen from her eye, thinking about this. No matter the decision, she was hurting either herself or one of the two. She'd gotten out of the bath, gotten dressed, laying in bed once again. She hadn't looked at her phone since she'd went down for the talk with her mom. She'd gotten a few messages.

Marco: I'm sorry for earlier, and I'm sorry for making this choice so difficult.

Marco: I don't think I can take being friends with you if you're dating Grayson, I know that is selfish but it hurts to see you with him. I don't want to make you choose.

This had made the whole situation worse. Callie had sobbed in bed, resulting in her eyes becoming heavier by the minute. She'd cried for so long she had fallen asleep, cradling her phone.


It was early. Callie's mom had woken her up with a coffee and a brownie, seeing her tear stained face had called for a conversation.

"How're you feeling?" She asked, watching Callie sit up and retrieve the mug and plate. Callie shook her head, biting into the brownie.

"I made the list, but it was for nothing. Marco said he can't be friends with me if I'm with Grayson, he said it hurt to see us together." Callie cried, falling into her mom's arms.

"Oh, honey." Her mom whispered, cradling her daughter. "You need to see the positive in everything. I know you've lost Marco, but it will make your relationship with Grayson easier. You won't have to worry about hurting Marco. If you really loved your best friend, you wouldn't want to see him like that. Give him time to heal, and then try speaking to him."

"Thank you, mom." Callie whispered, sitting up. Her mom left the room, leaving Callie to relax in bed.

live a little - g.d [BOOK 1]✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora