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It was the night of the game, Callie and Delilah were on a massive high. Not drugs, just happiness. She loved football matches, the bleachers filled with students and parents, banners and flyers, and her chance to perform at her best. She'd just finished her cheer, finally sitting on the bench as the game started. Her eyes were glued to Grayson, watching him shout and run around. They'd gotten into a fight yesterday, regarding her friendship with Marco.

"Callie, if I don't say it now, it will play on my mind for as long as this happens." He started, parking the car in her driveway. She turned to him, wondering what this was going to be about.

"What's up?" She asked.

"I don't like your friendship with Marco." He stated. "I saw you and him leaving your car the other day, I don't know what happened but I imagine something did. I have no idea what feelings or tension there is between you but I feel as if it is putting a strain on our relationship."

"Marco and I aren't friends." She spoke.

"Well you sure do approach him a lot, and pull him out of practice. Or speak to him a lot." Grayson argued back, slamming his hands onto the steering wheel. "What is going on between you two?"

"He told me a few months ago that we couldn't be friends because of the feelings he had for me. I understood how he felt, so I gave him space. But my life without Marco is different, a bad different. Marco was always there to pick up the pieces when something happened between me and my ex, or me and my brother, or me and Delilah. And before you, I had sworn off boys. My last boyfriend left the state without saying anything." Callie explained. "Marco helped me through that. He spent every day with me to make sure I wasn't hurting. And for us to suddenly stop being friends, it hurt."

"Look, I can't blame you for how he feels nor can I blame you for what happened. But I need you to tell me something." Grayson spoke softly. "Have you ever had feelings for Marco?"

Callie paused. "I've never been sure of my feelings for him. I didn't know whether it was genuine feelings or the fact that he was my safety net and I felt like I relied on him."

"That's all I needed to know. Callie, I've enjoyed every second I've spent with you, but I can't continue with us if you're friends with him. If you've both had feelings for each other, something could blossom again. And I don't want to be hurt by this anymore." Grayson said.

"I can't choose between my boyfriend or my best friend." Callie shouted, letting herself out of the car.

"You have to." He stated. "Goodnight, Callie."

live a little - g.d [BOOK 1]✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang