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"I'm Ethan."


There were distinctive features that separated them, so she mentally noted it and continued with the tour. "So this is the gymnasium, during the winter time, we do basketball. During the summer, we do football." She spoke, walking them out of the gymnasium.

She'd shown them the cafeteria, each floor which was allocated to certain subjects.

"So it's hard to understand, nobody really understood at first." She started. "First floor is English and Languages. Second floor is Math and Sciences. Third floor is Social Sciences, like History, Geography, and Economics. Fourth floor is Art, Theatre and Photography. There's signs on the door so you don't forget."

The school was massive, so the tour had lasted most of first period. But as the tour went on, she began to see Ethan break out of his shell more. Grayson remained quiet but laughed every so often. She was determined to get him out of his shell too. The tour had ended with them walking towards the office. "So let me know what clubs you'd want to join, and I'll sign you up and get you started. I can get you on the football or basketball team quite easily. Or cheer, if you like that."

The principal thanked Callie for her tour, dismissing her to class. She had joined her Algebra class, seeing a few friends.

"Did you give the new kids a tour?" Delilah asked. She nodded, sitting down and beginning her work. Delilah had giggled to herself and kept writing. Callie didn't want to get involved with another boy, not after the last. He had fallen in love with her, as she fell in love with him. He'd had to move states, and never contacted her again. Boys were ruined for her.

The bell rang, which was so refreshing on a Monday morning, as she had cheer and study hall. She'd put her Algebra book in her locker, walking with her friends to the gymnasium. She'd seen the twins ahead of her, so she let her friends walk ahead as she met with them.

"So have you decided any clubs you want to join?" She asked them. Ethan nodded, Grayson had drifted his gaze away from her.

"I want to do football try outs." Ethan stated.

"What about you, Grayson?" She turned to face him. He shrugged and looked down at his feet.

"I have Calculus, I have to go." He spoke, walking away. Callie and Ethan looked at each other despairingly.

"Well, I'll take you to the gymnasium to sign up for tryouts. I think there's a session this afternoon, as it's a new year." Callie explained, walking with him to the gymnasium. "I think you'll really like the team. They're so sweet."

A few members of the team were standing in the gym, throwing a basketball back and forth. Callie had explained to them about Ethan trying out for the team, she'd smiled as they welcomed and joked around with him. Ethan was already part of the school, but she wanted Grayson to feel the same. As she sat with her cheer squad, she was thinking about Grayson's shyness and how she wanted to break through it. She approached Ethan, seeing him turn towards her.

"What's Grayson's last two periods?" She asked. He pulled his phone out, looking at an image of his brother's timetable.

"He's got a double study hall."


live a little - g.d [BOOK 1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now