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"Jaehyun hyung! What's up!" Mark said, screaming out his lungs when he answered Jaehyun's call.

My cousin is asking if he could join our hang out, and I am asking you guys because I still not familiar with your rules.

"No, that's not a problem. Tell him to come." Mark said out of the blue, but it's too late to take back his words now. Jaehyun ended the call as soon as Mark finishes his sentence.

Mark realizing the mess he had done, he quickly called Johnny.

'come on! answer the call!'

What? Johnny asked with an annoying tone.

"Don't 'what' me giant! We have a problem and it's a major problem." Mark said, panic starting to fill him up.

Relax seagull, all problems have a solution. Johnny said trying to make Mark calm his shit down.

"And this one hasn't."

Tell me, what is that "problem" your saying to the point that you're panicking.

"Jaehyun's cousin will join us today."

Is that the problem you're talking abo- WHAT?!

"Yeah, I know and you know that we don't know that Jaehyun didn't know that we don't know that he has a cousin."

5 knows and shit. Go to Ty's, I'll wait you there. Johnny said before hanging up the call.

'well shit.'

Taeyong was sleeping peacefully when he was suddenly awaken by Winwin's screams. Taeyong immediately opened his eyes, got off of his bed and ran towards the direction of the scream.

His feet led him to the Chinese boy who is crying and holding a blade on his right hand.

"Sicheng! Are you okay?" Taeyong asked while caressing the cheeks of the latter, wiping the tears falling down. But panic grew on him when he realized that the blade Sicheng's holding is covered in blood. He tilted his head to see Sicheng's other arm bleeding.

"Oh my god!" Taeyong blurted out, he know that now is not the time for confrontation. "I'm calling Yuta." He said as he stood up to get his phone that he left inside his room. But as soon as he took his first step, Winwin grabbed his right hand, stopping him from continuing his actions.

"No. Don't please." Winwin sobbed, still enduring the physical and emotional pain he's receiving.

"Okay, but tell me why did you do that." Taeyong agreed not calling Yuta because he certainly knew that Yuta is the main reason why Winwin is like that.

Taeyong took care of Winwin first, washing off the blood and applying bandages. He also cook breakfast for the two of them because they're hungry and Taeyong is the only one who currently has the ability cook between the two.

Regardless of his roommate, Doyoung. He rarely sleeps there, but don't get him wrong, he still pays half of the shared bills. He just prefers sleeping with Taeil rather than sleeping with a studious man.

The two off them ate breakfast together with an awkward silence filling up the atmosphere together with the clanking of utensils and Winwin's frequent sniffs. Taeyong washed the dishes before confronting Winwin.

"Sicheng, tell me what happened." But before he could get an answer, Winwin suddenly cried again making Taeyong panic.

Taeyong rushed to Winwin's side to hug and comfort the Chinese.

"Just cry, crying will at least decrease the pain you're experiencing right now." Taeyong said tapping and caressing Winwin's back.

Hours passed and Winwin finally stopped crying and is now sleeping at Taeyong's bed.


To: JohnD

Sorry, can't make it today.
Had an emergency and
don't ever come knocking at
my door!

Taeyong texted Johnny right on time before the giant came barging inside his dorm and wake Winwin up.

Aw man, this chapter rely had a low ambiance.


ps: this chapter is a little teaser for my upcoming YuWin fanfic.

another ps: drama is really not my genre so i'm having a hard time making a chapter more emotional kike this one, literally took me two hours to write this down.

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