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Taeyong ended up staying at Jung's manor because Mr. Jung said so and who is he to say no?

The two of them - Jaehyun and Taeyong is currently playing Mario Kart with their console that is projected on the tv.

"Hey! That's cheating!" Jaehyun blurted out when Taeyong kicked him on the stomach.

"There are no rules Jae, I can do anything I want." Taeyong sassily said while celebrating his winning.

"Is that so?" Jaehyun asked placing down his console on the table before slowly crawling to Taeyong.

"W-what are you d-doing?" Taeyong stuttered when Jaehyun started caressing his inner right thigh.

Squeals, shouts and yells filled up the manor when Jaehyun suddenly attacked Taeyong's ticklish area. The squeals went on for a couple of minutes until a high-pitched voice echoed in the living room.


"That's Fullsun and he's really mad now." Jaehyun said while leaving Taeyong alone who is now a sweating mess and catching his breathe.

"So? What now?" Taeyong said fixing his clothes and sitting properly.

"How about we stroll around Han river?" Jaehyun proposed.

And they ended up having no choice but to stroll. The both of them changed into their casual clothes, Jaehyun changed at their manor while Taeyong changed at his dorm, his dorm is actually near the Han river, just an hour walk.

"I never thought Han river was this beautiful!" Taeyong yelled skipping his walk and playfully spreading his arms while balancing himself on the side of the plant box.

Jaehyun found the older cute. "Why? You never strolled around this place?" Jaehyun asked.

"Well, to be honest I never did. I once planned it but books are hypnotizing me to stay, I've been here ever since I'm a freshmen but I only walked here when daytime, just to unwind you know. But I really never thought that this place was this beautiful." Taeyong replied.

The two of them entered a convenience store to buy some food to satisfy their hunger.

"Seriously, you're missing out Tae." Jaehyun said while paying for their snacks.

The two of them spent another hour and a half walking by the riverside, casually buying snacks and taking a lot of selfies.

Eventually Taeyong got really tired and Jaehyun has to carry him to his house. There, he skipped his way to the second floor where his room is.

He opened the door, got inside and placed the sleeping Taeyong on his bed.

'how can he be this cute and adorable when sleeping?' jaehyun thought as he changed his clothes to his pajamas.

"Tae." Jaehyun whispered, tapping Taeyong's left cheek to wake him up. "You need to change your clothes." Taeyong just whined by saying that he is too tired to do so.

"If you don't get up, I'll strip you off myself." Jaehyun said trying to scare Taeyong a little so he could change his clothes.

"Go strip me, you saw all the parts of me anyways, that 'lil trick of yours will not threaten me." Taeyong said with his eyes closed but he can clearly see (imagine) how Jaeyun's face is so red right now.

The younger boy felt embarrassed at first but he did strip Taeyong, changing his clothes to pajamas.

"Let's sleep now." Jaehyun said while Taeyong finding a comfortable posture before sleeping. Jaehyun let the older find his first before turning the lampshade off.

"Goodnight Tae." Jaehyun said.

"Goodnight too Jae." Taeyong replied before letting his eyes close.

Jaehyun woke up when he heard a light snore from the man beside him. He didn't bothered moving because he was cautious not to wake Taeyong up because the latter is hugging him, using Jaehyun as a pillow.

Jaehyun just took the opportunity to observe and appreciate Taeyong's god-tier beauty. From his ash gray hair to his butterfly scar up to his sharp jaw-lines. Everything just complements each other very well making Taeyong's face perfect. Jaehyun stares at the latter for a five minutes while caressing Taeyong's hair.

"Just take a picture, it'll last longer." Jaehyun was startled when he suddenly heard Taeyong mumble.

"Is it bad to stare at the face of my son's father?" Jaehyun asked still staring at the latter's face.

"How sure and certain are you that it'll be a boy, and I haven't tested myself yet." Taeyong said breaking the ice to Jaehyun.

"Even though you failed the test, I'll make sure you'll pass it, we'll make love every night until you are confirmed pregnant." With that being said, Taeyong smacks Jaehyun's face with a pillow before getting up.

"I'll go take a bath first." Taeyong said walking his way to Jaehyun's bathroom.

"But we can take it togeth-" Jaehyun was cut off mid-sentence when Taeyong slamming the door making a loud sound.

"Father, we'll go out for today!" Jaehyun scream loud enough for his father to hear before going outside their manor to fetch his car.

"By the way, where we going Tae?" Taeyong asked following Jaehyun's steps.

"We'll go to Mark Lee's. We'll announce our good news." Jaehyun said happily, opening the car's door for Taeyong to enter.

But as soon as he entered, a text message notified his phone.

From: unregistered number

Taeyong hyung!
I am Sicheng and here is
my new contact number

Don't worry I won't
spread it.

By the way hyung,
Don't rush things.
If you make something with-
out thinking carefully,
then things will not
go on as expected.

What do you mean Chengie??

You know what I mean
Taeyong hyung.

He looked at Jaehyun who is now starting his engine up before driving. Then, he realized what Winwin means.

"Jaehyun? I think you take this thing seriously. I mean, you already let your father meet me and now, tell them that I am pregnant well infact I haven't tested it." Taeyong stated long making Jaehyun contemplate a little bit.

"Tae, I am serious about this. The moment I laid my eyes on you, even though we we're still kids back then, I know in myself that I have already a dream. And it's to marry you. I love you Tae, more than you ever thought." Jaehyun said while staring at Taeyong eyes, caressing the latter's face.

He then looked down to Taeyong's lips. He closed the gap between them.

"I love you too Jae." Taeyong said before closing his eyes, letting their lips connect for a deep passionate kiss.

Taeyong broke the kiss, for them to catch their breaths.

"So, can I court you now?" Jaehyun asked, cocking his brow at Taeyong.

But instead of a yes from Taeyong or a nodding head, Jaehyun received a peck on his lips from Taeyong.

"That's my answer."

Perfect || JaeYongHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin