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I didn't catch Taeyong. The ambulance was fast and they said that he is already in the emergency room when I arrived. Johnny called me and said that he will say and explain everything to me when they got here.

Fifteen minutes later, they finally arrived. Worried expressions painted on their faces but Johnny has his serious expression.

"Now tell me." I coldly said eyeing Johnny from head to toe.

"It's all my fault Jae, punch me as hard as you can I will not fight back." He replied, I can sense his emotions building up as he controlled himself from crying.

"I FUCKING NEED AN ANSWER AND FUCKING GIVE IT TO ME!" I screamed unable to control my emotions. I don't care if the people here starts to notice us, I just want an answer.

"W-we, Taeyong and I, we saw Yuta given a blowjob. I confronted Yuta and so as Taeyong. But Yuta had enough and pushed Taeyong making him fall on the floor." He explained.

"Where the fuck is Yuta?" I coldly said, staring into the abyss. I want to kill Yuta. I want him dead.

"Jaehyun hyung stop it." I heard FullSun hissed as he tried to sat me down.

"How about to make a wish?" He asked, lifting his index finger out and pretended that it's a birthday cake.

This is Haechan's way of calming me down. I closed my eyes and stated my wish.

I wish that Yuta's karma will come real quick.

Then I blew the invisible fire from Haechan's finger tip.

Seconds became minutes. Minutes became hours. And hours felt like a lifetime.

Soon, after almost four and a quarter hours, the doctor who is in charged on Taeyong - Mr. Ji, exited the emergency room, ready to greet Taeyong's friend.

"Jaehyun, right?" Mr. Ji asked Jaehyun.

"Yes, Taeyong's boyfriend." Jaehyun said shaking the doctor's hand.

"I would like to talk to you in private." The doctor said, Jaehyun being preoccupied the whole time just nodded before following the doctor.

"Take a seat." The doctor offered Jaehyun a seat and the latter sat on one of the available chairs without any hesitations.

"You and Taeyong are lucky because the fertilized egg cell endured the sudden shock it received from the fall." Dr. Ji uttered with his monotone voice.

"Oh my god, thank you!" Jaehyun jumped out from his seat in glee and almost hugged the doctor but Dr. Ji butted in.

"I am not finished talking Mr. Jaehyun." He said making Jaehyun go back from where he is seated. They exchanged a quick glance to each other first before Dr. Ji continued speaking.

"But there is one thing, very important that I want it to tell to you privately. If Taeyong will successfully give birth, I know he is, to the baby. It'll be his last pregnancy." Mr. Ji stated making Jaehyun's emotion a complete U-turn. A while ago, he is so happy that he can hug anyone who he crossed path with but now, he even has no mood to speak. He just nodded, trying to process every information; good or bad news.

"What do you mean?" Jaehyun asked. He contained his emotions, trying not to have an emotional or mental breakdown but this flabbergasting situation made it impossible for him not to cry.

"Due to sudden fall, his ovaries popped that caused the bleeding." Dr. Ji said while handling Jaehyun the copies of Taeyong's reproductive system.

"As you we all know, male pregnancy is a huge gift with a big responsibility. Any conflicts that may happen during pregnancy and before giving birth can cause a huge difference." The doctor continued while letting Jaehyun scan through the different pictures but the same organs of Taeyong.

"It's a miracle that the zygote survived it, it somehow lessens the bad news. But Jaehyun, from now on, keep an eye to Taeyong 24/7. Keep track on what he is eating, make him exercise - but not too intense, walking around the park for an hour will do it, and be sure to attend the monthly check-ups." Dr. Ji explained. Jaehyun lend the doctor his ears, listening to everything the doctor said.

"With Taeyong's slim body, expect to see a baby bump in 12 to 16 weeks from now." He said giving another picture to Jaehyun.

"That's the ultrasound picture of the zygote inside Taeyong. Now if you'll excuse me, I have another patients to visit."

I didn't research for this part 'cause our wifi is off and I'm too lazy to do so

Btw, it's double update. Read the previous chapter first

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