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The two lads we're silent during the whole travel time but both of them are trying to break the silence.

"Jaehyun?"       "Taeyong."

They both said at the same time but having a different tone.

"Oh you speak first." Taeyong said signalling the younger to proceed speaking.

"Actually, we're meeting my father tonight." Jaehyun stated.

"That fast?" The older asked. Jaehyun hummed in response as he brought his focus back on driving. Taeyong mouthed an 'o' realizing that Jaehyun isn't joking when he said that he will take responsibility of their future child.

"Tell me about your father of yours so I can act properly in front of him." Taeyong muttered.

"You won't be able to act as a different person because he's a psychologist and your late papa is one of my father's many patients. He's very observable and he knows whether a person is telling the truth or not or keeping a secret." Jaehyun said, trying his best to describe his father.

"So basically he'll judge you first thing when we enter our house." Jaehyun continued making Taeyong nervous. Small orbs of sweat starting to appear on his forehead and his anxiousness is starting to rise.

"Don't be nervous. He already knows you and we are there to say that I'll take full responsibility to you and our child." Jaehyun said calming down the nervous Taeyong.

Minutes later, the two of them finally arrived at Jung's manor.

"It sure is a large house." Taeyong said as he watched the scenery on the window of Jaehyun's car.

"Had a large family that is why." Jaehyun replied before parking his car at the manor's provided space for parking.

Jaehyun was the first to got out to open the door for Taeyong.

"No need to do that, I am no girl but I appreciate it." Taeyong said as he got out of the car before Jaehyun closing the door.

"Let's go inside. Father's waiting for us." Jaehyun said as he assisted Taeyong inside the house snaking his hands secretly on Taeyong's waist. The latter didn't seem to noticed Jaehyun's action because if his focus was on the interior design of the house.

"Ms. Hong, where is father?" Jaehyun asked to the old woman who is busy placing flower arrangement to the vase that is placed in front of a giant painting.

"Mr. Jung, your father is waiting for you in the dining room." The old woman replied bowing her head down.

"Ms. Hong, I told you to drop the Mr. Jung thingy.  You've been with us since my father's teenage life and been managing this house for decades, we treat you like family so please drop it."

"Aww my baby Yoon never change." The old man said while pinching Jaehyun's both cheeks.

"Ah, it hurts!" Jaehyun acted for Ms. Hong to quit pinching his cheeks.

"You've been away for five months! All of us missed you specially Fullsun."

"That kid, I recently drove him here from the university yet he still misses me. I'll be excusing ourselves and we're heading to the dining area." Jaehyun said as he bowed down his head bidding a goodbye to the old woman.

"You seem very close to her." Taeyong said staring and observing Jaehyun's face.

"As you heard a while ago, she's been working here since my dad started ejaculating and still here since I also started." Jaehyun said like it was just normal for him. Taeyong just nodded his head not knowing what to say.

"Hello to the two of you." A voice with a deep firm tone said from their behind scaring Taeyong. The two of them turned their back only to see Jaehyun's father wearing a pajama.

"Father, how many times do I have to tell you that your pranks suck." Jaehyun said with an irritated voice while rolling his eyes.

"Anyway, I am Mr. Jung, father of that ugly bastard, nice meeting you again." Jaehyun's father  said while offering his right hand to Taeyong.

Taeyong happily accepted it. "Lee Taeyong, it's nice meeting you Mr. Jung."

"Can someone from the both of you spill the tea already? It's irritating me and I haven't eaten yet." Mr. Jung said while walking his way inside the dining room.

Mr. Jung seated at the one end. Taeyong and Jaehyun seats in front of each other beside Mr. Jung.

Taeyong eyed Jaehyun asking him to telling his father what happened but Jaehyun also did the same thing to Taeyong.

"Okay, enough with the eye signals, I'm gonna spill it myself." Mr. Jung too a deep breath first before proceeding. "You had sex when Taeyong's drunk and clearly, Jaehyun is the top and he shot his seed inside Taeyong." Mr. Jung stated.

Taeyong's mouth literally dropped after hearing what Mr. Jung said. Taeyong saw Jaehyun giving him a see-i-told-you look.

"H-how did yo-"

"I'm gonna break the details down for the both of you to understand and know why I immediately knew that something happened between the two of you.

First, look at Jaehyun's neck. The redness already fades away but the marks didn't. Second, I noticed Taeyong frequently caressing his tummy and last Jaehyun's hand on Taeyong's waist." Mr. Jung said like it's an easy oral graded recitation cutting Taeyong off mid-sentence.

"I just want to say that I want to eat because I'm hungry and I definitely support your relationship." Mr. Jung said.

'well that was easy' the two of them thought at the same time before their dinner is being served.

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