chapter fourteen

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Camila's P.O.V.

"Y/N, where are you!" I called out as I left the bathroom. I took advantage of her rainfall shower head for about a half hour. When I got out I checked my phone and found some messages in the old Fifth Harmony group chat that we still use from time to time. I heard a faint reply and followed the sound to find her in the studio. "Hey, so the girls want to throw a girl's night since we're all in LA. Do you mind if I go?"

"So let me get this straight," Y/N started, resting her arms on the guitar that was in her lap. "First, you use up all my hot water, and now you want to leave me here all alone?" She asked, fighting off a smile as she gave me her best puppy dog eyes.

"Yes?" I answered cautiously. "I don't have to go though." I told her, worried that she may actually want me to stay.

"I'm kidding." She laughed. "Go have fun. I'll be here writing songs." She winked at me.

"Ohh, whatcha writing?" I asked, plopping down on the loveseat that sat against the wall. Y/N pretended to zip her lips and lock them. "Fine, at least give me the name?" I asked.

Y/N sighed before giving in and looking down at her notebook. "Black And White." She answered after a few moments. "I didn't have a title before but, that works I guess." She grabbed her pen, jotting down the new title.

"See, I'm helping." I told her with a smile. "I'll be back tomorrow. Don't write too many songs for me." I winked, kissing her lips before I left the room.


"It's so nice to all be together again." Ally smiled, looking at the five of us finally together. 

"For real. I missed this." Normani jutted our her bottom lip. "Wait, before I forget, Camila," Normani pointed at me. "Y/N, is this actually a thing or..." She asked.

Of course no one was supposed to know about PR relationships besides immediate family, our teams, and the people involved. But, since the girls knew about Lauren and I, they knew the other relationships were cover ups. Thus, explaining Normani's question. " started with a contract, yes. But now...who knows." I shrugged, looking down at the table. I received a chorus of 'Ooos' from around the room, from everyone except Lauren. "Guys stop..." I told them.

"Okay, subject change." Dinah spoke up, relieving me from being the center of attention. "I met this guy at a club a few nights ago. We hooked up and I cannot express just how good he was. I mean, seriously. I can't get it out of my head." She gushed.

"Ugh, lucky. I haven't had sex in way too long. I mean it's been months." Normani complained. "What about you three?" Normani asked me, Lauren, and Ally. Ally said it had been a few months as well, as Lauren and I looked at each other before answering the same.

"Two months." I said, taking the shot that Dinah poured.

"Two months and seven days." Lauren replied, looking down at her ring that she was spinning around her finger.

"Wait..." Ally looked between us skeptically. "Are you two..."

"No! No, uhm, it was like a last time thing. We're not together. Anymore." I answered, too quickly. Lauren just stayed quiet.

"You and Y/N haven't had sex yet?" Normani asked exasperated, I shook my head. "Seriously? Aren't you guys basically living together?"

"Yeah, but...I don't know. I mean we've had some heated make out sessions but one of us stops." I answered. "Or a third party interrupts." I eyed Dinah.

"Hey, don't be mad at me! You guys were the ones who stumbled in like a couple of horny teenagers." Dinah raised her hands up. I saw Lauren throw back her shot before downing Normani's as well.

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