chapter twenty-three

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I set up my phone against my soundboard like I did before, and I started my live. I wanted to talk with my fans, it had been awhile. Camila had me stay off social media after what happened last time. Now, I was free to socialize again. "Hey, guys! It's been awhile since we've talked. I had some personal shit going on but it's all good now." I smiled at all the comments coming in, people asking if I was okay. "Yeah, I'm all good, thank you. Anyways...I wanted to do something fun for you guys today." I laughed as they all freaked out over what I was planning. "Hey, Cami? Come here!" Camila came into the studio, thankfully behind the camera, as she was wearing no clothes at all. "Why are you naked?" I asked through clenched teeth, trying not to be too loud.

"Why do you sound like you're complaining? You seemed to like it last night when you asked me to sit on yo—"

"Camila, I'm on live!" I quickly yelled, effectively cutting her off. I blushed, looking at the phone as everyone went absolutely insane at what Camila was clearly about to say. "Go put clothes on!" I told her quietly again.

"Why didn't you say something! You know I was doing laundry!" She yelled back as she went to get dressed. "I'm stealing your clothes!"

"As long as it's something. I'd rather the whole world not see you naked." I said as Camila came back in the room wearing a large hoodie of mine.

"Bold of you to assume the whole world is watching." She rolled her eyes playfully. "So, why did you call me out here?" Camila went to sit on my lap, but I stopped her, pointing to the chair beside me.

"I have a whole thing planned. Please?" I asked with wide eyes. "Okay, so," I began, turning to the camera again, after Camila sat with a huff. "I asked you guys on twitter for questions for Camila and I. And I then had a mutual friend of both Camila and me, to choose ten of them." Camila looked at me, clearly nervous. "So, we have the option to skip three questions, so we're only answering seven in total. But, we have to agree to skip a question. If one of us answers, the other has to as well." I finished explaining. "Okay?"

"Why do I feel like this is going to be a huge headline tomorrow?" Camila asked warily.

"Probably," I shrugged. "Okay, first one. What was your favorite thing about writing a song together? I think we can answer this, yeah?" Camila nodded, gesturing for me to answer. "Uh...I liked how writing with Camila kinda put a lot out there. About our feelings. It brought a lot to light and I think that was really good for us." I looked to Camila.

Camila slowly exhaled as she thought. "I like how we were both so obviously in our element, ya know? I feel like I didn't really have to expand on what I was thinking because Y/N just knew." I smiled at her lovingly. "Lemme ask the next one." Camila grabbed my laptop from in front of me and read off the next question. "Ooh," She smirked. "How would you describe how the other tastes? Well, Y/N tastes like mint. Like a minty, coffee taste. It's like—what?" Camila asked me as I laughed.

"Baby, I don't think that's what they meant." I laughed out. Camila began insanely red, causing me to laugh more. "You already answered."

"Can we skip?" She asked. I laughed, going to grab the laptop back. "Thank you."

"Alrighty! Next one, oh God, would you ever use sex toys? That's a ski—"

"Fuck, yeah." Camila blurted out. "Wait, have we or would we? I mean either way, it's a yes from me." She smirked. "How about you?" Camila raised an eyebrow at me.

"Uh-I...sure!" I answered, way too high pitched to pass as casual. Camila laughed at me as I fumbled with the computer, handing it to her. "What were your most personal songs?"

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